
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 01 Nov 2000 13:00:00 GMT
My Rome pictures are at http://billstclair.com/rome0010/. Check 'em out! I'll get to the Ukraine pictures soon, in sha' allah.

From my friend Brad in Wyoming:

You may remember that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claim a spaceship with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep-and-cattle ranch outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is an incident, of course, that many say has been covered up by the government...

However, you may not know that on March 31, 1948, exactly nine months after that day, Al Gore was born...

Now, that clears up a lot of things...

While on the road, I read Neal Stephenson's novel, Cryptonomicon, all 928 pages. It's a very good peek into the geek mind, using WWII code-breaking geeks and modern day computer geeks as the examples. A real page-turner for this computer geek.

Harry Brown at WorldNetDaily - 7 ways to make your neighborhood safer: seven good reasons why ending the war on drugs will make America safer. Much safer.

Despite the tyrannical methods the government uses to fight the drug war, drug use continues unabated. So why do politicians fight so desperately to continue this insane war on drugs?

Could it be because the war allows them to continually expand their power over our property, our bank accounts and our private lives?


Libertarians know how much safer America will be without the nightmare of Prohibition -- just as America became safer the moment alcohol Prohibition ended. Libertarians also recognize that the war on drugs is an excuse for politicians to make big government bigger. And Libertarians know that oppressive prison sentences for drug use and peaceful dealing have not made America safer.

That's why I have made this promise: If I am somehow elected president, from the inauguration platform I will issue an unconditional pardon to everyone in a federal prison on a non-violent drug offense.

Randomonium has moved to http://involution.org/randomonium/. Angus Glashier has moved his blogging back to http://latte.weblogs.com/. Updated my links.

Vin Suprynowicz at Sierra Times - An Important Invitation from Vin Suprynowicz: Vin is taking over today as editor of Financial Privacy Report. This article tells you what he plans to cover there and how to subscribe.

The Misanthropic Bitch - Americans love a vicious cycle: that's why we make laws that make sure criminals are never reformed and drug addicts never recover.

The Misanthropic Bitch - I don't want kids. Ever. The bitch decides to get her tubes tied. Her doctor tries to talk her out of it.

Camille Paglia at Salon - Rage in the Middle East: Ms. Paglia analyzes the situation in the Middle East and the disastrous U.S. policies that have made an enemy of the entire Arab world. She also tells us why Gore lost the third debate and why she hates hate crimes legislation. And more...

The lax military oversight and poor strategic planning shown by the vulnerability of the Aegis destroyer, the USS Cole, to a small boat in the harbor at Aden, Yemen, significantly increased the probability that President Bill Clinton, already fretting about Al Gore's sluggish showing, would order military action somewhere in the world before Election Day. We can only hope that, should it occur, it will be a measured and rationally directed strike and not another example of this administration's abuse of the military for domestic political advantage.


Since this is my last column before the election, I am nurturing a tiny flame of hope that when we meet again, Hillary Clinton will be yesterday's news -- whipped off by the wind like the pungent, oily wrap of a fish-and-chips takeaway on the Thames Embankment. If that ruthless woman, with her checkered history of deceit and incompetence, is elected to the Senate, it's only through the collusion of the major media.

Ant 1.2 is available from the Apache group. A quick read of the WHATSNEW file reveals that they've removed some formerly deprecated stuff, added a bunch of new tasks, and fixed some bugs. I'm gonna keep using the old version for now. It works very well for us. [cafe]

KDE 2.0 (Kopernicus) has been released. I haven't played with Linux in quite a while. Probably won't until I get a faster Mac or my very own (non-company) Intel PC. KWord is what I mostly want to see. [cafe]

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