
Meg at not so soft -
Is there a short way of saying www? I suggested triple-dub,
and pointed her at Dave Yost's
Nix on "www.
" page. Dave recommends dropping the
" prefix entirely,
e.g. http://billstclair.com/. Formerly, Dave was pushing for replacing
" with "web.
", but that didn't catch
on. [notsosoft]
Brian Fitzgerald - Regarding politics and the debates... : scroll past the nice Hafiz poem to get to this. The rest is worth reading too, but I especially liked the following: [brianf]
Is there anything more undefeatable than a group of individuals that work together without a name or visable organization?Don't organize today.
Just think well, then talk well.
Be yourself. Be good.
Change the rules to change the rulers.
Keith Dawson at TBTF Log - Downside: cash is king: some excerpts from and commentary on Downside's deathwatch, a website that estimates when dotcoms will run out of cash. Includes stock price graphs. Interesting to me were: [tbtf]
fatbrain com inc (FATB) Jul 11, 2000
amazon com inc (AMZN) Mar 19, 2001
salon com (SALN) Apr 2, 2001
Gotta get going. More news later, in sha' allah.