Massachusetts is the crash test dummy for anti-gun laws. -- Carla Howell
This just in from Linda & Russ Hamilton:
Linda Hamilton is going to be on the radio with Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America on Saturday Nov. 11th at 12noon. The available stations can be found on their web page, or call 703-321-8585. This story can be followed at www.berkshireeagle.com or www.billstclair.com or freecitizen.freeservers.com/frontpg.html.
At this writing, the presidential race is down to a recount in
Florida according to http://www.voter.com/. Whoever gets those 25
electoral college votes wins. The Washington Post is so far the only
place I've seen with
results for all candidates . Republicans retain control of both
houses, but not by much. And, God help us, Hitlary Klinton is the new
senator from New York.
I like the quote at Unknown News: [unknown]
Dickhead elected president! The only question is which dickhead. |
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. - Doctors' Group Votes to Oppose Vaccine Mandates: The AAPS is calling for the end of mandatory vaccination laws. They aren't in any way saying that vaccines are bad, but they ARE saying that each case needs to be considered individually, and it is not bad parenting to refuse vaccination for your children. The resolution itself is, "That AAPS calls for a moratorium on vaccine mandates and for physicians to insist upon truly informed consent for the use of vaccines." They also have a Fact Sheet on Mandatory Vaccines. [market]
Daniel B. Newby at the Sutherland Institute - The Fat Tax: Public Policy Goes Belly Up: It was only a matter of time. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is calling for taxes on soft drinks and other "junk foods". The health police are out to get you. [market]
David Brine at access Washington - Elections officials caution voters about e-mail hoax: Remember the joke public notice I ran last Friday telling libertarians and republicans to vote yesterday and all others to vote today. Apparently it's making its way around the net and some are actually taking it seriously. Hehe. [sierra]
Smartacus at KeepAndBearArms.com - Vote Ten Times for Democrats!!!: a letter to the democrats from their bosses. Hehe. [kaba]
Dear Socialist,You are hereby ordered to read this by your Democratic Socialist Central Committee Commissar.
We're counting on you!
If you like paying $2 a gallon for gas and you want it to go to $4 -- and we know you do because you're a good Democrat -- then be sure and "get out the vote" for Al Gore and the Democratic Team!
Don't let our dream of high gasoline prices, big government, high taxes, unlimited illegal immigration, and massive voter fraud slip away!
Vote Gore! Vote Democrat! Vote early! Vote often!
Trent Seibert at the Denver Post - New driver's license rules catch some by surprise: In Colorado, not only do you have to provide your beast number to get a driving license, you must prove that it's yours with your Social Security card. [sierra]