J.D. Tuccille at free-market.net - Death of a crusader: A spotlight on the life and murder of Peter McWilliams. Many links to articles about Peter and his crusade for medical marijuana.
ForAHero.com is a tribute to Peter McWilliams. You can add your thoughts or condolences to a list that will be printed in a book and given to Peter's mother. I said, "May we all learn your peaceful strength." I added one of their icons on the left, replacing "Don't Tax the Net", and another to my {@banners} page.
I was listening to NPR on my drive to work this morning. They were talking about the fact that the fed didn't raise interest rates this time 'round. To my astonishment someone came on saying that there is no link between inflation and unemployment. Inflation is caused by the fed increasing the money supply too much. Wow! Austrian economics on NPR. There is hope. Now you guys can correct me since I really know next to nothing about Austrian economics.
Sean Hackbarth's ElianWatch page has lots of quotes and links about Elian's return to Cuba. [mind]
William Allen Simpson email at Cryptome - Electronic Signatures Yield Unpleasant Surprises: claims that the new electronic signature act is not about encrypted digital signatures, but more closely resembles UCITA. Ouch! [wes]
Peter H. Lewis at the New York Times -
Napster Rocks The Web : A good introductory article about Napster
and Gnutella. [script]
JoAnn Kohlbrand at WorldNetDaily - Campaign-finance bill passes House: Measure to increase requirements OK'd in dead of night: The house passed H.R.4762 by a wide margin under suspension of the rules very early yesterday morning. The bill requires tax-exempt political organizations to report donors of over $200 and donations of over $500 on penalty of losing their tax-exempt status. [wnd]
Jeff Deist, press secretary for Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who opposed the bill, stated, "It goes against the first amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of association."
Michiko Kakutani at the New York Times via Free Republic - When the Geeks Get Snide: Computer Slang Scoffs at Wetware (the Humans): An entertaining article on computer slang. [wnd]
Eric Raymond at Salon - Don't tweak the geeks! Eric Raymond responds. [wnd]