From Jerry Pournelle's current view for this week:

Charley Reese at the Orlando Sentinel - Sending activist back to Iran would be sending her to her death Hmm... The U.S. has been fighting Iranian terrorism for years, but now we are going to send an Iranian activist back to Iran. Her crime, fighting Iranian terrorism by giving speeches. Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life on earth.
Lawrence Morahan at Capital Hill Blue - Airport "Body Scan" Technology Raises Privacy Concerns: Do airport body scans violate the fourth amendment? Darn tootin'. [wnd]
Tina Terry at Sierra Times - The Law that Never Was & the Cover-Up That Still Is: The sixteenth amendment to the constitution was never propertly ratified. Hence, the income tax is illegal. I've heard this before, but it's nicely stated here with pointers to Bill Benson's web site, The Law that Never Was. [sierra]
Michael Leahy and Leef Smith at the Washington Post -
A Beneficent Bench : Judge Donald P. McDonough in Fairfax pays the
over-due rent of a plaintiff couple. [faisal]
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Repeal of Un-American "Death Tax" Passes House: Not only did they get rid of this onerous double tax. They did it by a veto-proof majority of 279-136. It's H.R.8, introduced 2/25/1999.
Kernel Notes: comments and notes by Linus Torvalds included in the Linux Kernel (version 0.01). Most amusing. Lots of programmers put these little gems in comments. Nice to see that Linus shows his sense of humor in his code. [/.]
Peter Lalor at infoasis - The Mac OS in a world with two Microsofts: One man's prediction of what the future might be like for Apple should Microsoft be split in two. [/.]
Eliotte Rusty Harold is updating his book, The Java Developer's Resource to Java 2. He is posting the chapters on-line as he goes. The first 3 chapters are available here. [cafe]