Here's the bumper sticker covered truck I told you about on Monday. Click on it for a slightly cropped high-res version. It doesn't quite fit on a 1024x768 screen, but you can read all the signs (300k, 1108x916).

Kevin Tuma - Liberals on Father's Rights. Oh my.
And the news about the injustice department's attempted split-up of Microsoft is everywhere. Today's Scripting News has lots of them. Yesterday's, too. Mr. Gates should spend a few billion dollars on defensive weapons, and tell the feds, "Come and get me, a**holes". Only kidding, but it would be great to see someone put the nannies in their place.
David Allison & Bill Gates - Bill Gates Interview: David Allison is from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. This is a transcript of a video history interview he did with Bill Gates in Redmond. It's very long. I haven't read it yet except to skim the headings. Likely interesting. [brianf]
Centers for Cognitive Liberty via Cannabis News - Federal Anti-Ecstasy Bill Extends Zero-Tolerance: just in case the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act doesn't make it past the house, senators Graham, Grassley, Thomas, and Biden have introduced The Ecstasy Anti-Proliferation Act of 2000 (S. 2612). Same first amendment killing idea, different chemical. It should be a felony to introduce or vote for such a blatantly unconstitutional bill. I'm not kidding. Bill of Rights Enforcement! The bill is not yet available from Thomas, but its house counterpart, H.R. 4553, the Club Drug Anti-Proliferation Act of 2000, contains the same language, making it a 10-year federal felony
`(A) to teach or demonstrate the manufacture of a controlled substance, or to distribute by any means information pertaining to, in whole or in part, the manufacture, acquisition, or use of a controlled substance, with the intent that the teaching, demonstration, or information be used for, or in furtherance of, an activity that constitutes a crime; or`(B) to teach or demonstrate to any person the manufacture of a controlled substance, or to distribute to any person, by any means, information pertaining to, in whole or in part, the manufacture, acquisition, or use of a controlled substance, knowing or having reason to know that such person intends to use the teaching, demonstration, or information for, or in furtherance of, an activity that constitutes an offense.
Dan Mindus at National Review - Drug-War Casualties: another screed against the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act: [cn]
The provisions of the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution may soon join those of the Second, Fifth and Tenth as the "neglected rights." They are about to become civilian casualties of the war on drugs.
ChordApp is a Java application for experimenting with chords. You tell it a chord and it tells you which scales work with that chord. Text only. No sounds. [meat]
michael at Slashdot (from the last-straw dept.) - Copyrant: Microsoft will stop allowing its vendors to ship an installation CD with their computers. Instead, you will get a recovery CD that is capable of restoring your machine's disk to its original state. Mucho ranting from michael and others. [cafe]
DaveNet by Dave Winer - What the Web Wants: I agree with Dave as to what I would like Microsoft to do. Why he expects the government to be part of that fix while at the same time realizing that the government is no friend to the web, I don't comprehend. Whacking Microsoft with a government club isn't going to help anyone but the government. And it opens the door for the feds to start whacking other computer industry companies. Don't do it. If you want Microsoft to change, hit them in their pocketbook by buying other products. [script]
Patricia Neill at LewRockwell.com - Teach Them to Read, And Let 'Em Rip! Many of Patty's heroes were self-taught. If we teach children to read and set them loose, they may become geniuses, too. [lew]
But public school children are not even taught to read! At huge taxpayer expense they are taught to look at words and guess what they mean. Can you imagine anything more inane than that? Yo! Public School Teacher - look at this word and guess what it means: STUPID. It isn't that these children are intellectually deficient - but they are kept ignorant, and it sure looks to me like it is entirely deliberate. Or maybe not. From what I've read of the huge numbers of teachers who can barely pass their teacher exams, perhaps they can't read either.