Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - Learning from Peter McWilliams: A nice article about what we can learn from the life of Peter McWilliams.
As Steve Kubby has said, Peter died of an overdose of government.Peter's response to someone who asked him why he didn't blow away some of the drug warriors:
My enemy is ignorance, not individuals. It is winning the war of ideas -- through fact, logic, persuasion and, yes, humor -- that brings about lasting change.What we are facing today in America is not an evil dictator like Hitler, who is the head of a snake and whose removal will kill the snake -- but overgrown bureaucracies like the Drug War, which is more like an anthill. No matter how many individual ants you kill one at a time, the colony goes on.
Any idiot with a gun can kill. It takes clever perseverance to make lasting change.
As has been proven time and again, to alter the government in this country does not take violence, but education. My job is to get the country back into believing and living under the supreme law of the Constitution, not to kill those who are leading the country astray.
I support the high road of truth, facts, debate, and education even if I'm not able to walk that road much longer and even if lies, deception, repression, and ignorance are the direct cause of my death.
Paul Zimmerman at Sierra Times - Peter McWilliams: American Hero Murdered by Feds: A eulogy. Outlines the history of Peter's arrest and murder. Points to Peter's Basic facts for the press page. Peter was not arrested for smoking cannabis. He was arrested for embarrassing the DEA. He was arrested for speaking out in a way that people could not ignore. I pulled the angry section below. The article as a whole does not have an angry tone. [sierra]
Peter McWilliams died at home awaiting his sentencing. He was found dead in his bathroom. He'd choked to death on his own vomit. He died because the feds denied him the only medication that controlled his nausea and vomiting. They killed him as surely as if they'd cut his throat.Judge King, I'll never forget what you did to Peter. Gen. McCaffery, I'll never forget what you did to Peter. There were many more feds who were accessories to the murder of Peter McWilliams and I say this to all of them: I won't forget and I won't forgive.
How many more lives will the feds take before we say enough is enough?
How many more Ruby Ridges, Wacos and Peter McWilliams before we drown in the blood of the martyred? God forgive us for standing around while the innocent die and suffer.
Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - The Murder of Peter McWilliams -- An Indictment, Not an Obituary:
There will be an autopsy, but whatever the immediate cause of death may have been, he was murdered by the United States Government as surely as if they shot him. Indeed, it would have been much more humane if they had just put a bullet in his head. No one should have to go through what he suffered at the hands of his country.When I learned of his death yesterday, I was too angry to write about it. Even now, this is being written more in anger than in sorrow. Peter is where they can't hurt him anymore, but his murderers are still at large, and if there is anything that Peter would want, it would be for us to continue to speak the truth to power, to tyranny.
If an individual did what the federal government did to Peter McWilliams, deliberately deprive him of medicine that would save his life, that person would be indicted for murder. And this was murder. Moreover, it was premeditated, and a part of a pattern of the criminal abuse of power. Consider the evidence.
Doc Searls - Kill Fair: Doc's response to Dave Winer's How to Settle the Microsoft Case. A nice piece except that he ends by dissing the concept of property. I'll admit that I don't know if ownership of bits makes sense, but ownership of atoms definitely does.
Dave, on the other hand, goes with the statist dogma that a monopoly can exist without government support. It can't. If you don't like Microsoft's business practices, don't buy their products and don't buy their stock. Encourage your friends to do the same. It's that simple. We don't need no steenking government. [script]
Jon E. Dougherty at WorldNetDaily - Father's Day '50 Million Round March': Father's day is tomorrow, and Americans will be sending millions of rounds down-range. I'm hanging out with Shaikhs today and tomorrow, so I won't be shooting. [wnd]
Lizette Alvarez and Jeri Clausing at the New York Times -
Electronic-Signature Bill Is Approved by the Senate : Klinton has
said he will sign this bill, probably with a pen. [wnd]
Captain Dan Shoemaker - Demonstration of Freedom: Dan planned to walk through Galesburg and Monmouth today wearing his militia uniform and carrying weapons. He planned to be peaceful unless force was initiated against him, in which case he would fight to the death. This article explains his planned demonstration. Sierra Times says that he was arrested yesterday, but other militia members will carry out the demonstration. It is not known whether they will be armed. My guess is that they won't be as effective as he would have been, because the following has likely not happenned to them:
In November, 1999, something of a personal nature happened to Captain Dan Shoemaker which caused him to lose his fear of death. He understands that now is the time to take back our freedom.