ACLU - Supreme Court Preserves "Right to Remain Silent" In a Forceful 7-2 Decision: The ACLU's take on the Miranda case. Contains pointers to the text of the decision and to the ACLU friend-of-the-court brief on U.S. v. Dickenson.
Jefferson Adams at Sierra Times - What's Left of America on the 4th of July: Mr. Adams is happy that The Patriot is making the Hollywood crowd nervous, must mean it's a good movie. I'm looking forward to it, too. He's got a real good idea of how to make a statement with your every day mail: [sierra]
I don't like saying that. I didn't like telling a postal employee the other day that I will never again fly the stars and stripes in any way save upside down (and that includes postage stamps) until the country it represents becomes once again worthy of being represented by that beautiful symbol. For now, I'll fly the Gadsden flag, thank you very much.
Henry Lamb at WorldNetDaily - Sovereignty no match for WTO: Mr. Lamb comes out in favor of Ron Paul's proposal that the U.S. withdraw from the World Trade Organization. Unfortunately, the house of representatives voted it down by a wide margin, 363 to 56. My take: the WTO is a massive threat to U.S. sovereignty, as is the U.N. I agree with Dr. Paul that we should withdraw from both. We should also eliminate all barriers to trade, that means no import or export duties or taxes of any kind. (There's some discussion on this, compliments of Dave Polaschek) [picks]
Tuan "Solace" Nguyen at Tweak3D.net - Holographic Storage: How It Works: Veery interestink. Definitely not schtupid. Can you say 10 gigabytes per cubic centimeter accessible at a gigaherz? Thought to be possible, not anywhere near commercial. I first heard about this kind of storage at IBM's research labs at least 10 years ago. I hope they're getting closer to making it a reality. [/.]
Arianna Huffington - Columbia Chopper Wars: It took three months after the house approved $1.7 billion in military aid to Columbia for the senate to follow suit with $934 million. Why? They were arguing over which helicopters to fund. Arguing over which campaign contributor will be rewarded with huge profits. What's a few dead Columbians when there's pork to be awarded?
AP via the Boston Globe - New York state to become first state to sue gun makers: New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer plans to sue Glock, Beretta U.S.A., Colt's Manufacturing Co., Taurus, Ruger & Co., and Inratec. Officially, he's claiming that they have violated New York's public nuisance law. Seems to me that their real crime was refusing to BOGU as Smith & Wesson did. [market]
Sierra Times -
50 Million Round March Gallery: 8 pages of pictures from the 50
million round march last Father's day.
Marvin Lee at Washington Weekly - Contempt of Congress, Contempt of Security, Contempt of Law: Democratic Senator Robert Byrd had some choice words for Energy Secratary Bill Richardson. [ww]
Kevin Tuma - Teacher: cartoon commentary on the state of our schools, thanks to the ACLU and a pliant judiciary. That's the second time I've blasted the ACLU in recent history. I have a complex opinion of the ACLU. I applaud their defense of free speech, but I deplore their hatred of religion. They say, "The mission of the ACLU is to assure that the Bill of Rights -- amendments to the Constitution that guard against unwarranted governmental control -- are preserved for each new generation," yet they pretend that the second amendment doesn't exist.
Andrew Orlowski at The Register - Microsoft describes its Java killer: Good commentary on Microsoft's new C# programming language. Asks why Microsoft didn't choose Python for its new language, as recommended by Elliotte Rusty Harold of Cafe au Lait. Yes, why? Inquiring minds want to know. [script]
Well, syntactically it's very Java like, and from a distance, the two are practically indistinguishable. Look closer and you get the definite impression that its authors know Java pretty well, but were annoyed by some of its idiosyncrasies.Confirmed. If you edit CLangref.doc, select "Properties" from the "File" menu, and click on the "Custom" tab, you'll see what he's talking about (don't I have something better to do?)...
Finally, we can't help notice that Microsoft's PRs have gone out of their way to deny that this ever had anything to do with the Cool project reported last year. Well, have a poke around the extended attributes attached to the language reference document, co-authored by Scott Wiltamuth. He's added the following tags. Owner=scottwil Team=VC Feature=Cool.