April 2010
Tuesday, 6 April
What I Have To Deal With L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise
Lyrics Alone - Albums & Comments Lyrics Alone Help page Led Zeppelin albums
Wednesday, 7 April
Thursday, 8 April
iPhone OS 4.0 Press Event Apple Apple Keynotes Gizmodo Engadget Ars Technica Macworld Greg Kumparak Touch Reviews Wired TUAW iPhone Therefore I Blog The iPhone Blog Huffington Post here at developer.apple.com iPhone OS 4: All the New Features How Multitasking Works in the New iPhone OS Multitasking tops tentpole features in iPhone 4.0 Apple debuts iAd advertising platform for iPhone OS Streaming Keynote Video Apple Keynotes Podcast
Sunday, 11 April
Wednesday, 14 April
Thursday, 15 April
April 15th: 'Theft-by-Government Day'- the plain truth Kent McManigal at The Albuquerque Libertarian Examiner
Friday, 16 April
The Hemperor, Jack Herer, has Died Cannabis News The Emperor Wears No Clothes www.jackherer.com
Saturday, 17 April
The Princess Of Pot Monte Paulsen at The Walrus via Cannabis News still in Canada
Monday, 19 April
The Story of Your Enslavement Stefan Molyneux
They Are Lying to You About the Oklahoma City Bombing Antiwar.com
April 19, 2010 shot heard round the world Waco Justice
From tomorrow's Washington Post Mike Vanderboegh Militia movement will be packing heat at rally on the Potomac
Second Amendment Rallies Bill St. Clair at DC Indymedia Indymedia dc.indymedia.org Second Amendment March Restore the Constitution
Tuesday, 20 April
Patriots Day Gun Rallies wrote yesterday Second Amendment March Restore the Constitution Google news search for "guns potomac" More Google newslinks Raw Video: Advocates Rally With Handguns, Rifles Peaceful pro-gun rallies: A firsthand account 5 by 5 Was the Second Amendment March a success? Gun-toting protesters voice violent thoughts peacefully Vanderboegh's copy Me and the Brady Bunch's Paul Helmke hanging down by the Potomac More On 4/19 RTC AP Time Russia Today USA Today Russia Today: Interview With RTC 4/19 Rally Organizer this YouTube video We Happy Few 7 pages of photos 52 minutes of videos 11 minutes of videos David Codrea on ATSN ALARM AND BLUSTER: Your April 19 DC Gun Nut Video Roundup Direct YouTube link Flickr photo album My interview with Doc at Freedomizer Radio after the RTC Press Conference. two parts Freedomizer Radio "Oh, HELL No!" -- My speech at the Restore the Constitution Rally, Fort Hunt Park, Virginia, 19 April 2010 Where do we go from Gravelly Point? Here's a hint: All civil war is local
Wednesday, 21 April
Oh My God! There's a Fatwa on Kenny Attack Cartoons radical Muslim response
Thursday, 22 April
On The Recent Glance Directly At Me, From The Death-Star Billy Beck
Absolved Is Done! Mike Vanderboegh at The Restore the Constitution Rally
New Graphics Tech Promises Speed, Hyperrealism Priya Ganapati at Wired Unlimited Detail Technology
Friday, 23 April
The Obama administration's righteous stance against indefinite detention Glenn Greenwald at Salon
Cleanternet - for a cleaner and safer Internet - cleanternet.org Alexander Lehman
Monday, 26 April
Capitalism vs. Capitalists Jonah Goldberg at American Enterprise Institute
For Mark Humphrys
Mark Humphrys
Obama Body Count
feedback he allows
Like a Government, Minus the Hypocrisy Thomas L. Knapp at Center for a Stateless Society
Thursday, 29 April
Friday, 30 April