
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 11 Nov 2010 00:17:49 GMT  <== Truledger ==> 

At the urging of possibly my first real user, I have renamed Trubanc to Truledger. This removes the words "bank" and "banc" from the web site, code, and protocol. Because I've renamed "bank" to "server" in the protocol, Trubanc clients are not compatible with Trubanc servers. Because I've renamed "bank" to "server" in some of the database file and directory names, existing Trubanc databases need to be updated to work with the Truledger code. Ask me if you have such a database.

I have added two new features, which you can read about in the db & protocol spec (and play with yourself if you get an account or run your own server).

Non-refundable transaction fees, which can be in any asset. This can help fund a server.

Permissions, allowing a server operator to control the minting of coupons, the handing out of tokens for new accounts, and the creation of new assets.

I plan to do auditing and proper disagreement resolution next.

The new Truledger server has a fresh database, so any test accounts you had are gone. I still have the old data, though, so if you really want something from there, just ask.

If you want to play with it, just ask me for a coupon to create a new account. My email address is at the bottom of the page.

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