Claire Wolfe's Great New Book: The Bad Attitude Guide to Good Citizenship

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 09 Nov 2010 19:39:49 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

James Bovard reviews Claire's new book. I've started reading it, and am enjoying it. [westernrifleshooters]

MBad Attitude includes one of the punchiest, most persuasive analyses of why habeas corpus is vital to individual liberty. She deftly clobbers Sen. Lieberman and his conniving to enact legislation to provide a "kill switch" for the Internet. Her wrath on Obama's health care "reform" knows no bounds, and damn justifiably so.

Some of the essays in this book previously appeared in S.W.A.T. magazine (Claire is their "alternative" voice), and a small portion of the book previously appeared in either Backwoods Home magazine or Claire's blog at that site.

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