The Priorities of the Damned

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:23:47 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Arthur Silber reminds us once again that arguing about ANYTHING the feds do is surrendering to absolute evil, until Obamao rescinds his declaration of authority to kill anyone anywhere on the planet whenever he deems it necessary. I'll make that more specific: as long as some gunnerment drone in Nevada is piloting drone planes into Afghanistan and Pakistan, nothing else your government does matters. Note I said your government. It isn't my government. [g+]

Don't tell me this is the only choice you have, for it is no choice at all. You have another one, but most Americans refuse to consider it. You can start by withdrawing your support from a system of evil, devoted only to the commission of evil. If you give a damn at all about the innocent victims -- and there are many of them, although you will not find them among the ruling class or its useful allies in the media/blogger complex -- you will decline to take part in this endlessly cruel charade perpetrated by monstrous terrorist-rapists.

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