The Next Net

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 13:44:41 GMT  <== Digital Money ==> 

Douglas Rushkoff - The internet is NOT a commons. No statue can make it so. It is owned, largely by large corporations, and they call the shots. As it should be. Property owners get to decide how their property is used. Mr. Rushkoff talks about the problem of the centralized control structure of the internet and proposes we go back to something like Fidonet, but with modern, hugely faster, technology. [gsc]

The moment the "net neutrality" debate began was the moment the net neutrality debate was lost. For once the fate of a network - its fairness, its rule set, its capacity for social or economic reformation - is in the hands of policymakers and the corporations funding them - that network loses its power to effect change. The mere fact that lawmakers and lobbyists now control the future of the net should be enough to turn us elsewhere.

I'm finally linking to this article because of a comment by DGCMP on the [gsc] mailing list:

THAT is the crux of this entire issue. It is why a communistic
alternative will fall flat on its face.

The entire future of the network and the services within it is based
upon the implementation of the monetization of every bit transferred.

There is nothing more important than this for so many reasons from so
many aspects.


"Resource allocation" is the foundation of true liberty, of the concept
of property, of a free market. It is the foundation many of us believe
or accept as the core moral crux of all issues.

Fuck Net Neutrality. Hail Net Discrimination. To the last bit.

Free Market. Free Money. Free Net. Free Speech. Liberty. Justice. Peace.
Talk about Redundancy in terms...

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