A Penalty Clause for the Bill of Rights

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:33:13 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at Random - 'bout time.

Any official, appointed or elected, at any level of government, who attempts, through legislative act or other means, to nullify, evade, or avoid the provisions of the first ten amendments to this Constitution, or of the Thirteenth Amendment, shall be summarily removed from office, and, upon conviction, deprived of all pay and benefits including pension, and sentenced to imprisonment for life.

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L. Neil Smith

Submitted by DougBuchanan.com on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 01:23:47 GMT

The internet is saturated with reasoning people offering reasoning-based solutions to power-induced problems.

Notice, with extremely rare exceptions, all have failed since institutional power was invented.

Now therefore comes forward the question of the process to socially manifest reasoning-based solutions to power-induced problems, without inducing more problems by attempting to use power.

The question has been identifiably answered throughout human history, but those offering the reasoning-based solutions keep doing so instead of learning the completely separate knowledge of the process to socially manifest them.

Now therefore comes forward the question of the why of the above, so the contradiction can be resolved.

The question has been identifiably answered throughout human history, but the answer is ignored, and never questioned to learn it, by those too busy offering solutions, therein revealing the grand comedy created by the design of the human mind, which can be learned to enjoy the laughter at the comedy (or to socially manifest the solutions).

Respectfully, DougBuchanan.com

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