The Face of the Killer Who Is Your President

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 15:25:36 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Arthur Silber - A reminder of the inhuman nature of the man who calls himself president of the united states.

Watch the video at the link provided above. It's instructive, particularly Obama's expression when he adds, "Or whoever's left out there." He speaks of murder, yet the words are breezy and casual: this is a murderer so used to killing that he talks of his past and future victims interchangeably, and in terms of approximation. Just "whoever's left out there." He wants to be sure you know he'll order all of them killed in time. His face is expressionless, the eyes dead. This is a man without a soul in any healthy, positive sense. He murders -- and he's proud of it.

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