Spam Comments Abound

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:24:07 GMT  <== Webmaster stuff ==> 

The spam comments are getting out of hand. My spam filter can't distinguish them from the real comments anymore, so it's marking all comments as spam. I can still distinguish them, though, most of the time, so don't stop commenting just because you don't see your comment until I approve it.

I've closed comments on the Hitler thread. This was beginning to look like "All Hitler, all the time." Not a pleasant prospect from my perspective. So all you Hitler lovers and Hitler lover haters. Chill.

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Comments (2):

At I have two

Submitted by John T. Kennedy on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 21:32:41 GMT

At I have two anti-spam measures in place that have been working well in tandem for months. The first is the removal of the Post Comment button from the initial comment form. You have to preview the comment before you get a Post Comment button. This stops an awful lot of spam.

Then I use Akisment ( ) which does a great job of filtering out the remaining spam. I don't know about Akismet's current availability for blog engines other than Wordpress but I gather it's intended to be an open system.

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Comments must now be previewed

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:16:44 GMT

I took your advice, John, and required that all comments be previewed before posting. Last night, I got about 50 spam comments, and two real ones. Hopefully, this will cut it down. If not, I'll investigate adding a human filter, some hard-to-read-with-a-script text that you have to reproduce, even though I hate those.

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