The Worldwide Gun Control Movement

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:34:09 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Ron Paul at - the gun grabbers are failing here in America, so the globalist commU.N.ists are doing the dirty work, with a conference beginning this week in New York City. They won't rest until nobody but gummints and criminals (but I repeat myself) can legally own guns. It's way past time to force these socialists to have their meetings in some other country, and to do it without the benefit of our stolen tax money. [lew]

It's no surprise that UN officials dislike what they view as our gun culture. After all, these are the people who placed a huge anti-gun statue on American soil at UN headquarters in New York. The statue depicts a pistol with the barrel tied into a knot, a not-too-subtle message aimed squarely at the U.S.

They believe in global government, and armed people could stand in the way of their goals. They certainly don't care about our Constitution or the Second Amendment. But the conflict between the UN position on private ownership of firearms and our Second Amendment cannot be reconciled. How can we as a nation justify our membership in an organization that is actively hostile to one of our most fundamental constitutional rights? What if the UN decided that free speech was too inflammatory and should be restricted? Would we discard the First Amendment to comply with the UN agenda?

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