Executive Order: Protecting the Property Rights of the American People
George Bush at Whitehouse.gov - good news, I think. Bush tells his underlings that they mayn't, with a bunch of provisos, take advantage of Kelo v. New London. John Lopez said about this: [notreason]
So now the government is only allowed to steal your property when they think they should, and if they do steal it then they have to pay you whatever they think they ought to. In fact they've gone so far as to write themselves a note saying that they have to do those things. And that note will remain in effect until someone writes another note.
Don't you feel better, now?
Previous Posts:
Why Do We Have Taxation?
Liquid Armor
The Alchemists: Turning Blood Into Gold
Midway through the year of silence
UN Press Release On Small Arms Conference
Response to Andy McCarthy
How We Can Get There From Here
Self introduction: an unintentional ghost and monkey wrench
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