Calling All Government Workers

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:12:52 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Gerald Montgomery at The Libetertarian Enterprise - Mr. Montgomery invites everyone with a gummint job to follow his lead and quit. Today. Sounds like a bloody fine idea to me. [claire]

On May 19th, I did the best thing I could do for the people of America right now: I quit my $42K a year government job. I contacted the Social Security Administration and told them I want to FORFEIT my benefits. Unconditionally. Period. And I will not complete a 20 year tour of service with the U.S. Army National Guard so I'm slamming the door on that government check as well.

I'm asking all government employees to quit. You're all a bunch of parasites. You produce nothing tangible in terms of wealth, in terms of goods and services that people actually WANT. You feed off the blood, sweat, and wealth of hard-working Americans. You produce nothing while sucking the life out of the producers that actually keep the economy up and running.

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