Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:40:26 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

At a group dinner during my Montana/Wyoming trip, we came up with an idea for a web site. Elias said "Freedom Outlaws". I replied that it sounded like a domain name, Zoot said that it should be a collection of photos of freedom outlaws. Over the next few days, I created the front page, with photos I took in Montana, Doug wrote an essay ("The Nature and Process of This Website", linked below the photos), and Ragnar made business cards. When I got home, I wrote some PHP code to enable posting and moderation, and was born. If you'd like to join us, get thee hence, and post your portrait. From the front page:

As was the case with Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and their colleagues, to advocate freedom in a Police State, is to be an outlaw.

These are the people who advocate freedom in the US Police State.

You may join us if you are of the courage Americans claim. is just for fun. I have no plans to add a blog, or more essays. The links page will likely grow as people recommend them, and I hope all y'all post thousands of portraits.

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