Cathy's Vote in 2008

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 18:44:41 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Cathy L.Z. Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - why the girl who lived across the street from me during grade school, and who later married L. Neil Smith, will vote for Ron Paul in November.

So what do I disagree with Ron Paul about?

Abortion. He's a pro-life gynecologist and a Christian, I'm pro abortion because I very strongly believe that the only kids who should be brought into the world are the ones who are wanted so much that their parents will do what's necessary to keep them safe and well and not consider it a sacrifice, but an investment. It's no longer an issue with me on a personal level, but important to me, nonetheless.

Immigration. He's a closed borders guy. I'm an open borders gal. I think one of the things that has made this country great is its assimilation of cultures and ideas. The problem with immigration is NOT with immigrants, it's with welfare. Get rid of welfare and you get rid of most, if not all, of the problem.

With respect to religion, I don't care one way or the other so long as he keeps it to himself. I know that won't happen with other major Republicans and I'm unwilling to accept the Church of Global Warming as an alternative.

What do I agree with?

He wants to end this stupid war. He's in favor of repealing the Patriot Act (a heinous encroachment on the civil rights of all Americans). He's in favor of free trade (though not in favor of NAFTA which has nothing to do with free trade). He's a hard money guy (as opposed to a proponent of government counterfeiting).

He's not perfect--he's not me--but he's closer than anyone else out there so he'll get my vote this time around.


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