Bush's Army: a Few Good Degenerates

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 13:25:36 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch - some harsh words for the Busheviks about the premeditated rape and murders carried out in Iraq by members of their army. And about the excrement they continue to spread over our once great country. [grabbe]

Many Bush supporters believe that truth is not on our side and must be suppressed. Yet, they support a war that is too shameful to report.

I have made it clear in my columns that Bush supporters are not true conservatives. They are brownshirts with the same low intelligence and morals as Hitler's enthusiastic supporters. And they are just as resistant to facts.


It is proof of the collapse of American morals and the fallen character of the American people that the American public and its elected representatives in Congress refuse to rein in the Bush regime and hold it responsible for its monstrous crimes.

America has become a land of evil. The rest of the world hates and despises us. And we are going to pay a terrible price for it. Bush's belief that our superpower status makes us immune to the opinion of others goes beyond hubris into insanity.

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A few good.......

Submitted by straightarrow on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 05:56:17 GMT

Bullshit! I call bullshit! If and when it is proven that an American soldier commits a crime, he is arrested, tried and punished. That is indicative of the fact that we are still the most moral country on the planet. We are damn sure the only ones that do that in the present conflict. Anyone that can't see that is an idiot.

To condemn the nation on such a paltry sample is more a reflection on the impairment of the commenter than the system that doesn't abide that behavior by its military personnel.

Low intelligence assessments could rightfully be made about Mr. Roberts for his absolute departure from any logic. Excrement is being spread alright. By that dumb sonofabitch.

And I am not a Bush fan. I can't abide dishnonesty for the sake of political agenda, so Mr. Roberts and any that buy that crap he is trying to sell KISS MY ASS.

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Bush is an idiot, and an oil

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 21:28:43 GMT

Bush is an idiot, and an oil man.
We'd be alot better off if he wasn't leader.

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