Born on the What of Who?

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 12:49:23 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - celebrate your Independence from the state on Tuesday. Commemorate America's throwing off of the tyrannical British yoke, and anticipate throwing off the tyrannical Amerikan yoke. You don't have to actually do anything, except stand out of the way as the dinosaur expires. [tle]

The American Revolution--and the spirit of independence that it evokes--has always been an embarrassment to the shriveled sociopaths whose existence centers upon an eternal struggle to gain and retain control over the lives of others. They have spared no effort to crush that spirit--it has always occupied the top spot on their agenda--and turn the Fourth into just another excuse for idiots to guzzle beer until they vomit, or get themselves mangled to death on the interstate highway.

We have now reached a point--I suspect the Brits reached it in the 19th century, and the Romans well before the birth of Christ--where the political process selects only the most crooked, dullwitted, and demented among us, a point where decent, intelligent, and rational individuals have no place in public life and are winnowed out by the system. A point where commemorating a Revolution is seen as a dire threat.

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