Bush's Assaults on Freedom

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 12:09:34 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch - the Supremes have finally reined in the Busheviks, a little, by ruling that the treatment of Guantanamo Bay prisoners "violates both US law and the Geneva Conventions." The British High Court likewise struck down Tony Blair's "anti-terrorism" laws. But what if Bush and Blair ignore the courts? "What's to stop them?" asks Mr. Roberts. Ain't nobody here but you and me. They may not be human, but they're still living in flesh-and-blood bodies. Guns and knives and clubs, wielded by you and me, will stop them, when it becomes necessary, which gets closer every day. [grabbe]

Americans are going to have to decide which is the greater threat: terrorists or the Republican Party's determination to shred American civil liberties and the separation of powers in the name of executive power and the "war on terror."

The rest of the world has already reached a decision. A Harris Poll recently conducted for the Financial Times found that the populations of our European allies--Britain, France, Italy and Spain--view the United States as the greatest threat to global stability.

A Pew Foundation survey released the same week found that 60 percent of the British believe that Bush has made the world less safe and that 79 percent of the Spanish oppose Bush's war on terror.

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