A New Strategy For Liberty - Part 2: Secession in Three Easy Steps

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 20 May 2009 10:19:15 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Stewart Browne at Strike the Root - in Part 1: An Open Letter to Ron Paul Supporters, Mr. Browne concluded that the strategy of getting libertarians elected to public office has failed. Here, he suggests seceding from the government, starting with secession of voting. Though I agree with him that we should not initiate force, I disagree that we should remain peaceful no matter what. If the government attacks us, we should defend ourselves, and go to war against the aggressors should that be necessary. [root]

Step 1: Stop voting in Washington 's elections...

Step 2: We make clear to the world that as soon as we're able, we will stop funding Washington 's madness, and we have no intention of ever paying back Washington 's debt...

Step 3: Even as the State and its cheerleaders grow increasingly hostile toward us, we remain entirely peaceful...

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