Lyman Luma Ring™ Shotgun Sight
When you have a choice between two globalists, a globalist will win every time.
After we elect a libertarian president, we can start putting all these globalists and their media friends in jail for treason.
# My wife drove into Albany for a midwifery meeting last night. She told me that the meeting was near downtown, in a fairly seedy section. I fell asleep around 8pm in the kids' room watching the little television (they were downstairs watching the big one), woke up a couple of hours later, and zombie-walked up to my bed. As I was lying there half-awake, I imagined what I would do if some ne'er-do-well offed my wife. I realized that I would no longer go anywhere unarmed, and that my current arm of choice would be my pistol-grip Winchester 1300 twelve gauge, loaded with slugs or alternating 00 buck and slugs, and improved with a ghost ring or Trijicon reflex sight (or the Luma Ring&trade linked below) and a likely-self-designed sling (or maybe the TacStar sling would work) to allow me to carry it under my armpit and bring it to bear quickly when necessary. The only reason I don't do this now is that New York law forbids it. The violent injury or death of one of my family members would likely push me over the edge to the point where I would be willing to make it publicly known that I carry a firearm always and everywhere and will shoot dead anyone, including law enforcement, who attempts to inhibit my defense of self and family in this manner. I may get there yet without the attack on a family member, but so far the so-called "law" has cowed me.
# Dale Amon at - Just say NO to the draft! - very good news. Rumsfeld and Bush apparently do not want a draft. From this transcript of an interview of Rumsfeld by KKOB-AM's Jim Villanucci: [samizdata]
Q: We're talking with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon. Secretary, there's been a lot of discussion, I know, and this is a very political question, but I'll ask you anyway, because it will become your decision, ultimately. Will there be a draft? Do you see any present situation where we might reinstitute a draft in the United States?
SEC. RUMSFELD: There isn't a chance in the world. It is clearly mischievous. Somebody is going around spreading that nonsense. There's a couple of congressmen and maybe a senator or two who've put in bills to reinstitute the draft. I am dead set against it. President Bush is dead set against it. It simply is not going to happen. And the perpetrating of that myth I think is unfortunate. We don't need a draft. My goodness, we've got, what, 295 million people in this country and we've got a 1.4 million on active duty. We can certainly attract and retain the people we need and we are attracting and retaining the people we need. And if we can't, all we have to do is change the incentives, so that we are a more attractive place for people to come.
# - Warrant Notice - to law enforcement. Copied below in its entirety. More similar forms at Search for "forms". [stanley]
Warrant Notice
For Law Enforcement Officers, & City, County, State, Federal Employees.
WITHOUT the specific permission of the occupant to enter this private property YOU MUST NOT ENTER without an Amendment IV Warrant. Though I value your position and your service to society in General, you are a member of a high-risk group. Current laws and regulations mandate that we must separate ourselves from any individuals who possibly have been in contact with illegal drugs or other contraband. I hate such substances and situations and have nothing to do with such items. The laws and regulations demand that I take every possible measure and means in assuring that absolutely no illegal drug or contraband ever be found on/in this private property. In our efforts for compliance and be free from forfeiture under drug and contraband laws, I demand that before you enter this private property, you:
1. Empty your pockets and submit to a complete body search.
2. Make an assurance you have no drugs on you.
3. Produce proper I.D., be fingerprinted and photographed.
4. Sign my guest register and complete my public servant's questionnaire, listing: Full name; Social Security number; Drivers License number; Work Address & Phone number; Home Address & Phone number; Purpose of Visit; plus all of your Other Intentions.
I regret that anyone in our community must come into contact with illegal drugs or contraband, and I recognize that your job requires that you do so. It is possible you could easily have on your person a quantity of illegal substance or contraband. Thus, I must ask that, in addition to the above, you assure me that you will "hold me harmless" should any such substance or contraband be left behind, from you or your clothing, while you were on/in my private property. You must give me your personal pledge, in writing, that you will pay damages should illegal drugs or contraband be found on/in my property after your visit. If you enter my private property you must be unarmed and anything you say or do may be maintained as evidence by audio and/or video recordings.
In any case I reserve ALL RIGHTS, and so demand a neutral and independent accounting firm make a physical accounting for everything being removed from my private property in the case of entry, search or seizure, with a valid Amendment IV Warrant.
If you are unable, or unwilling, to meet these requirements, you must not trespass any part of this private property. If any future meetings are desired please make arrangements in writing, signed by the authorized party and agency involved.
Signed by:___________________ Date___________________
Witness:_____________________ Date___________________
Witness:_____________________ Date___________________
All Specific Rights Reserved without prejudice U.C.C. 1-207
Copyright by Human Rights Commission 1997
# Lyman Products - Luma Ring™ Shotgun Sight - a fiber optic front sight that is visible only when viewed from the proper eye position and a rear "Halo" that puts a "ring of light" around the front sight and aids in distance estimation. Mounts on a shotgun rail or with adhesive. $45. How to Shoot with Uni-Dot says a little more about Lyman's fiber-optic front-sight technology. They also sell the front sight alone, without the rear ring. [google]

# Impact Guns - Troy M14 SOPMOD Battle Stock - the ultimate M14 or M1A accessory. $650. New product, expected to be available in October. Doesn't come with the scope or forend attachments pictured below (or the supressor), but the four-sided rail enables this kind of thing. I can't tell if the top rail blocks stripper clip loading, as is the case for the standard scope mount. [impactguns]