Tonight's REAL Debate
# Jack Blood - Attention Public Servants - a legal notice to those who administer the bankrupt United States after the treason of the Federal Reserve Act. [stanleyscoop]
# GeekWithA.45 - End of The Road For The PoodleShooter - it appears that the next U.S. military rifle will be the XM-8 in 6.8 Remington, "fielded in large numbers starting in 2006". [geekwitha.45]
# GeekWithA.45 - Looks Like The DC Gun Ban Repeal Has Passed The House...:) - Yay! Unfortunately, I don't think the Senate has the votes to squelch a fillibuster by the antis. I heard on NPR last night that they have no plans to even consider it. [geekwitha.45]
# AP via Fox News - SpaceShipOne Reaches Space Again, Lands - it was close though. The ship started rolling, and ground control called for an abort, but Michael Melvill held in there for a few more seconds to make the 62 mile altitude before turning back for a landing. If he does it again within two weeks, SpaceShipOne will win the X prize. [geekwitha.45]
# George F. Smith at Strike the Root - The Fed's Grasping Invisible Hand - a little tutorial on the evil that is the Federal Reserve. [root]
Government inflates through its central bank, the Federal Reserve System, which it created in 1913. The Fed does many other things, but its foremost responsibility is to keep diluting our money supply with unbacked dollars.
To repeat: The Fed is the engine of inflation in this country. Inflation is not some curse of capitalism. It's government policy. It is any increase in the money supply. We see this alluded to in the Fed's charter, which calls on it "to furnish an elastic currency." [1] Fed Governor Ben Bernanke almost boasts about it: "[T]he U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost." [2]
If this sounds like counterfeiting, be advised that almost no one sees it that way, especially government and Fed officials. According to the MSN Encarta dictionary, a counterfeiter is a person who makes "a copy of something, especially money, in order to defraud or deceive people." Does that shoe fit the Fed? You decide.
The Fed's inflation is often part of a process called "monetizing the federal debt," a stultifying expression describing the hocus-pocus used to cover government's deficits. In simple language, government puts ink on pieces of paper and calls them "securities," in response to which the central bank puts ink on pieces of paper, calls it money, and buys the securities.
Like magic, the federal government has new money to spend -- thanks to the tooth fairy known as the Fed.
We should wipe every trace of the Federal Reserve from our lives and allow the market to freely choose our monetary standard, which most likely would be gold. In the meantime, we should shut down Mr. Bernanke's printing presses for good.
# Harry Browne - Harry's Adventures in Wonderland - Mr. Browne falls down a rabbit hole and endures the gauntlet of airport sekurity.
I should have learned my lesson when the TSA agent at the ticket counter refrained from arresting me for speaking my mind. But, unfortunately, the cork popped out of the bottle again. As the inspector was searching my person, I asked him if he had probable cause.
"Yes, there's a mark on your boarding pass."
Do you have a warrant?
Ever hear of the 4th amendment?
"Do you want me to get the police over here?"
I answered, "No, I'll do what you say because I want to get on the plane and you have the power to stop me. But this whole charade is unconstitutional and ridiculous."
"Actually, I agree with you," he said.
"Then why do you work here?," I asked.
"I didn't mean the security procedures in general -- just this special treatment."
It's hard to believe today, but three decades ago it was possible to take a loaded gun on an airplane. For all I know, there might have been a federal law against it -- but, if so, the only way you could get caught would be by displaying the gun or by making the mistake of telling someone who would inform on you.
Then in 1973 the metal detectors were installed because of a handful of hijackings, even though very few people were hurt in the hijackings. Airport security remained pretty much the same from then until 2001 -- at which point came the deluge of more and more oppressive invasions of privacy.
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