Arrr! Kel-Tec's SU-16 Reviewed, Me Hearties
"We have allowed our constitutional republic to deteriorate into a virtually unchecked direct democracy. Today's political process is nothing more than a street fight between various groups seeking to vote themselves other people's money. Individual voters tend to support the candidate that promises them the most federal loot in whatever form, rather than the candidate who will uphold the rule of law." -- Rep. Ron Pauland:
"I wholeheartedly concur: today's 'choice' is merely whether to vote for Freddy or Jason." -- Mike Straw on voting for the lesser of two evils - Fleecing America - cartoon commentary on things that haven't changed since the U.S. invaded Iraq. Hehe.
Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day. So grab your grog and drink up, me hearties, or I'll keelhaul ye. Arrr! makes fun of Conan the Republican and his rich-family wife. The Question Submission Form is hilarious (42K download after loading the page in the link). [smith2004]
"I'm just like you, except, I could own you if I wanted to."They have a CafeShops store:
Volotile times demand vague answers. Vote Arnold.
Policy is for pussies. Vote Arnold.
I'll be back... when the debate is over.
If Bush gets elected next time, does Gore get to be President?
If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will shoot their kids accidentally.
I added Publicola to my links page in the "Weblogs" column. He's been linking to me for quite a while now, and I like his content.
Claire Atkinson at Ad Age - Hollywood Heavies Enlisted to Promote New U.S. Currency - On October 9, the new $20 bill will be rolled out, complete with its own advertising campaign. [clairefiles]
The new $20 bill will use peach and blue in its design, the first time since 1905 that U.S. currency has featured colors other than green. Color makes the bills more complex, and therefore harder to counterfeit. The government plans to introduce new currency designs every seven to 10 years, and designs are in the works for the $50 and $100 bills, with different colors planned for different denominations.

Ron Paul at - Stop the COG - a speech given by Dr. Paul to the US Senate Judiciary Committee on September 9. He opposes the Continuity of Government idea, which would appoint representatives in the case of an emergency. Dr. Paul prefers to allow the states to elect replacements. What a concept, eh? [lew]
allows you to make audio weblog posts with your telephone,
if you use one of the supported blogging services. Examples at
Lyle Barkley's blog (their standoff is postponed thanks to a
sheriff with at least some semblance of a clue).
Self-Sovereign Individual Project - Natural Social Contract (Draft), Annotated Version - The next step towards a free society after executing the Declaration of Individual Independence. I have so far only scanned the beginning of this long piece. [kitty]
000 Buck Wear is a cafeshops store with lots of gun-related images. Check it out. [highroad]
Prairie Dog Be Gone - a site advertising a video of prairie dog shooting in Montana. Video clips included. Not for the squeemish. $22 delivered. I didn't order it, but I did watch a couple clips. [highroad]
Flyer at The High Road - Kel-Tec's SU-16: A Short Review - he likes it. Big time. Includes pictures. [highroad]
Nope, it's not going to replace my AR-15s...but then again, I can't think of any rifle that could. However, the AR-15 is a pretty good tank of a military rifle, designed for harsh conditions that would unreasonably challenge a rifle designed primarily for civilian use. Too, the AR-15 is Match-Accurate, and that's important. I wouldn't ask a rifle to equal the versatility of the AR-15.
The SU-16, however, is everything Kel-Tec promised it would be, and more. It's accurate, light, easily storable, reliable, uses AR magazines, and digests any kind of ammo.
What can I say - it beat out my beloved AR-180. I wouldn't have believed it possible if I hadn't proved it to myself!
To sum it up, I've got a new favorite fun/plinking/varmint rifle...
...and I'm ordering another one tomorrow!
Marty at Kel-Tec told me last night [9/17] that full production started up on Monday of this week, and they're really cranking them out now. So, it looks like they're going to start showing up all over the place in a month or so.
Jeff Quinn at GunBlast - Pathfinder .22 Long Rifle & .22 Magnum from Charter 2000 - a revival of a perennial favorite. Little lightweight six-guns in .22 long rifle and .22 magnum. $265 retail. [gunblast]
John Ross - The End of a Personal Twelve-Year Odyssey, or Hey, Bartender! Tell Everyone in the House the Drinks are on Me! - the first eleven years of Mr. Ross' effort to get a concealed carry law passed in Minnesota. Next week, 2003, the year that they succeeded.