Angle Grinder Man
"I had a copy of the Soviet Constitution and I read it with great interest. And I saw all kinds of terms in there that sound just exactly like our own: 'Freedom of assembly' and 'freedom of speech' and so forth. Of course, they don't allow them to have those things, but they're in there in the constitution. But I began to wonder about the other constitutions -- everyone has one -- and our own, and why so much emphasis on ours. And then I found out, and the answer was very simple -- that's why you don't notice it at first. But it is so great that it tells the entire difference. All those other constitutions are documents that say, 'We, the government, allow the people the following rights,' and our Constitution says 'We the People, allow the government the following privileges and rights.' We give our permission to government to do the things that it does. And that's the whole story of the difference--why we're unique in the world and why no matter what our troubles may be, we're going to overcome." -- Ronald Reagan
Kevin Tuma - Obsolete Things - cartoon commentary on the World Order. Hehe.
Angle-Grinder Man cuts Denver boots (called "wheel clamps" in the UK) off of cars in London. He does this as a free service. His site includes instructions for do-it-yourself angle grinders, pictures, and political commentary. Most entertaining. [smith2004]

Mark Baard at Wired - Radio Tag Debut Set for This Week - RFID is here. Pretty soon, everything you buy will have a unique serial number with which it can be tracked. Almost time to accustom yourself to zapping your clothing in the microwave when you bring it home from the store. On the plus side, it makes the supply chain much easier to manage. All that's really necessary is a policy of disabling the RFID chips as soon as the product is sold. [smith2004]
Auto-ID Center - How the EPC Network Will Automate the Supply Chain - an "idiot's guide" to the envisioned use of the RFID tags. It all looks hunky-dory until you get to the last page where everything you buy can be tracked back to you and identified later, no matter where it goes.
Albert Jay Nock at - Isaiah's Job - Remember the Remnant! I've read this before, but it's worth reading again and again. To find it later, when you've lost this link, just search for nock remnant. [smith2004]
Larry Pratt at News With Views - City of Detroit - Breaking the Law in the Name of the Law - General Laney is a gun dealer and an outspoken defender of the right to self defense. He very carefully followed all the bogus gun sales laws. So in order to bring him down, the Detroit cops broke the law themselves. Hang 'em. [trt-ny]
Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - September 3, 2003: Summer's End - summer gave us time to "practice our marksmanship and check our loads and zeros" and the importance of practicing in practical field positions; shooting masters; large scope on 30-30 lever-action rifle for shooting pigs in the dark; Ruger's "John Wayne Coach Gun"; heroes; editing for factuality a necessity; Norinco clones of the Broomhandle Mauser and Ruger's 22 auto pistol and the enjoyment of plinking; "innocent civilians" considered improper, say "non-combatant civilians"; "So let us remember that while there is no legal wall of separation between church and state, that does not mean that the moral authority of the church is to be disregarded"; the three rifles on the cover of The Art of the Rifle; kudos to covering expensive rifles in gun magazines; Norinco clone of the M39 22 lever-gun; thoughts on the 45-70; punctutation still considered necessary; the liberal establishment motivates through fear; choose assimilation over diversity; don't slight your lady with a pseudo-scout; "If you want to fight, join the Marines"; Walter Nowotny; another reminder of the 2003 Reunion; commentaries not going commercial, for now.