Safety State, High-pH Cancer Therapy
"I always get confused voting in California. There are more propositions on the ballot than on the Sunset Strip." -- Bob Hopeand:
"I'm very troubled by the proliferation of arms, at the fact so many people in the United States carry guns. It obviously contributes greatly to the crime problems we have. I'm sure gun laws should be strengthened in the United States. I just don't know the correct mechanism." -- Harrison Fordand:
"If I were George W. Bush, my next nominee for a federal judgeship would be the most passionately devout Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, or Muslim I could find. Then I'd sit back in front of the TV and watch Chuck Schumer's head cave in." -- John Derbyshire
Safety State - Advocacy Materials - lots of entertaining posters illustrating the likely future of the Amerikan Sekurity State. Don't miss their Privacy Policy. Hehe. Some good satire to start your day. [geeks]
Safety State is the authoritative online resource for aspiring authoritarians. Here you will find posters and other materials to inspire the cause, along with a vibrant community of national security enthusiasts.

Botach Tactical now carries New Balance shoes.
A. Keith Brewer - The Mechanism Involved in High pH Therapy - why Cesium Chloride cures cancer. [smith2004]
The therapy I am proposing is one of changing the pH of the cancer cell from acid to alkaline. This is entirely possible since as already stated, the cancer cells have lost their pH control mechanism. In the alkaline, high pH condition the acid toxins of the cancer cell are neutralized and rendered nontoxic. It is these acid toxins, and not the tumor lump per se, that bring about the death of the host. In the high pH condition the life of the cancer cell is short. The dead cancer cells are readily absorbed by the system and eliminated.
There are areas of the earth where the incidences of cancer are very low. An analysis of the foods in these areas shows them to be very high in cesium and rubidium. It is these elements, which are absent in modern commercial foods, that prevent cancer growth. I am convinced that it is food that causes cancer, but it is the food we don't eat and not the food we do eat. The patent application listed in this book describes a means for introducing the essential elements into the modern diet.
Let us hope for the day when cancer has passed into history.
A. Keith Brewer - The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans - It works, folks. But I doubt the AMA will ever accept the loss of their cash cow. [smith2004]
NOTMilk tells you everything you never wanted to know about why, unless you are an infant drinking your mother's milk, you should avoid milk like the plague. Why whenever you hear, "Got Milk?" you should loudly proclaim, "NOT Milk!" [smith2004]
Gary Brecher at via - What The Hell Did You Think Was Gonna Happen? - that we'd waltz into Iraq and the locals would help us? That's not how empire works. Entitled You Pussies! in the original. [whatreallyhappened]
Maybe now you can appreciate how coldblooded and smart our strategy in Gulf War I was. Every chickenhawk on the air was moaning about how Bush Sr. and Colin Powell let Saddam get away in '91, how we shoulda gone in and taken Baghdad. Still think so? Let's see Michael Savage stand on a streetcorner in Fallujah sweating in a kevlar vest, jumping every time a car turns the corner. Let's see Bill O'Reilly do night patrol through Baghdad in a Humvee. In '91 we did it the way the Brits would've: neutralized the threat, then left and let Saddam try to pick up the mess. Sure we betrayed the Kurds and the Shiites along the way. That's what empires do. The most basic tactic for running an empire is using Tribe A against Tribe B: Kurds vs. Sunni, Sunni vs. Shiite, village vs. village. If one gets too strong you bleed it for a while. Then you let it bleed the others. After a while they're all bled out and your imperial troops are the only force in the country worth mentioning.
What the Brits would be doing about now is arming the Kurds and sending them to police the Sunni Triangle. The Kurds have already asked us to let them do it. They're begging for the chance to get a little payback. They said, "We guarantee we'll have the place pacified in a week. We can read these people! You can't! We can tell who's a guerrilla and who isn't! All we need is a few fingernail-pulling pliers and a portable generator hooked up to a cattle prod or two!"
BBC News - Coughing 'could stop heart deaths' - I've heard this before. Good thing to remember. If you notice you're having a heart attack, cough hard until it goes away (or you fall over dead). [lew]
Polish doctors said the pumping action caused by a deep cough would cause blood to be pushed through the body and to the brain.
They said regular coughing could help patients survive until the ambulance arrived.
But British experts said although there had been some evidence coughing could be effective, it was not conclusive.
Dr Petelenz told the European Society of Cardiology conference in Vienna that properly timed and performed coughs could allow the patient to maintain consciousness and even regain an effective heart beat.
He recommended high-risk patients should be taught how to cough effectively, starting with a single cough every one to two seconds in bouts of five coughs.
Claire Wolfe - Shooting and "verbal compliance" - some practical lessons Claire learned at the LRT Conclave. [claire]