Rober Anton Wilson for Governor

Jeffrey Tucker at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Creation of the Bureaucrat - how the U.S. gummint followed in its own incompetent footsteps in everything else it does and created an airport "security" bureaucracy instead of letting the market create something that actually works. [lew]
Regardless of the record, the bureaucracy won't be abolished. It will be "reformed," especially given that a huge new lobbying force now has every reason to push Congress to retain the system. The one reform that the system most needs--namely, to be subjected to the competitive pressures of the market--is not possible in the current framework. The only real solution is the one that Congress rejected back when it had the chance for real reform: total privatization.
Liz Michael at Sierra Times - Will the Ten Commandments signal the end of the United States? (And will the controversy resurrect the Confederacy?) - If only. I won't hold my breath. [sierra]
Bob Landis at Golden Sextant - Meeting of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fraud: August 1, 2003 - minutes of an imaginary IMF meeting that illustrates much reality about the world's finances. [smith2004]
MR. FIXIT. Obviously, even an orderly implementation of a devaluation policy would pose a serious threat to the safety and soundness of the international monetary system. This flows from the fact that US "dollars", which are actually just unredeemable, non-interest- bearing promissory notes of the Fed, now serve as the international reserve currency. I don't need to remind you that these notes are not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous, and holders are effectively at the mercy of the US monetary authorities under the best of circumstances. So the competence, or rather the perception of the competence, of those authorities, is of paramount importance. That is of course why the Americans have created a personality cult around Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.
MR. FIXIT. In view of our potential exposure here, the question arises whether we can act preemptively under a crisis prevention mandate.
MR. NEWBIE. You mean go in there, seize control of the financial system, hike rates, raise taxes, cut spending, throw everybody out of work, and precipitate a depression? Inject a little moral hazard, get the speculators rocking and rolling? Render bogus advice? Make them open themselves up to volatile and destabilizing flows of foreign capital? All the while living it up at five star hotels?
MR. FIXIT. Right. We'll definitely need the Americans' consent. Fortunately, that does not appear to be a problem. Ted, would you help us out here?
MR. TRUEGRIT. One hyphenated word, gentlemen: Neo-cons. These guys are the Goldman Sachs of the American political scene. They are so good, they got the US into a preemptive war on false pretenses. Who else could have done that? They make Old Man Hearst look like a piker. Now, the Neo-cons aren't in it for the money, so it won't be quite as straightforward as hiring Goldman. We have to push the right buttons. My people are gaming this out. But basically the idea would be to wrap the issue in an Israeli flag, convince the Neo-cons the collapse of the Dollar Standard will mean curtains for Israel, the ultimate paper satrapy. If we play our cards right, they'll move heaven and earth, as it were, to get us invited into the Fed. They may even team up with the Christian Fundamentalists again, for good measure. Put an eschatology spin on it. We'll leave the details to them, once we sign them up.