Rainbow Farm Second Anniversay Remembrance Vigil
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." -- Mark Twain
From "Sunbeams" in the September 2003 issue of The Sun:
What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, yout had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then? -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Jacob G. Hornberger at The Future of Freedom Foundation - Foreign Policy for Tyros - the history of the United States foreign policy of perpetual war for perpetual peace. [smith2004]
At the end of World War II, U.S. officials immediately announced that it was necessary to maintain the enormous U.S. military-industrial complex created during World War II in order to oppose our new enemy (previously, Hitler's enemy) -- the Soviet Union (which had arisen as a consequence of World War I and into whose clutches President Roosevelt had delivered the Eastern Europeans and East Germans).
Did You Know?
Did you know that in previous wars, America had dismantled the standing army needed to fight the wars, discharging its soldiers back into the private sector?
Operation TIPS-TIPS -
satirical page that will become necessary
should TIPS ever become real. We'll need to mark the TIPS participants
somehow, and keep track of them in a central database. [smith2004]
From cures-not-wars, a reason to buy the October issue of Playboy (besides the photos). rainbowfarmcamp.com is their memorial site.
Who: Friends of Rainbow Farm
Where: In front of the "old" Cass County courthouse, at the junction of Routes 60 and 62, in Cassoppolis, MI
When: 5:30 p.m., Labor Day, Monday September 1st, 2003
What: Remembrance vigil for Tom Crosslin and Rollie Rohm
Bring: Signs, banners, drums, music, candles, photos, memories, or anything you feel should be part of a loving and respectful gathering to honor our fallen brothers
It's that time again, folks.
Two years ago, Labor Day weekend 2001, Tom and Rollie were executed by the forces of so-called law and order. They were not killed to protect the public safety, to punish them for smoking cannabis, or because of the plants in their basement. Our friends worked boldly and passionately to change destructive, unjust laws, and to inspire others to do the same; and in the end they rejected the authority of a court that had amply shown its bias. They refused to hide. They refused to run. They refused to bow down. And for that, the Police State ground them up in its gears.
Now, Labor Day 2003, friends of Rainbow Farm will once again gather to remember, to honor, and to show the world that we will not forget. Whether you're an old Farm hand or just discovering the story, if you feel moved to join us, please do. We will begin at 5:30 and stay until we decide to go. I hope to see you there.
Melody A. Karr,
Michigan Cannabis Action Network
By the way, for those of you who haven't seen or heard, the October issue of Playboy Magazine includes a 9-page article entitled "Siege at Rainbow Farm." Whatever your opinion of the magazine, this was a pretty decent article --- as fair as anything else I've seen, more so than many. Word of warning: it does include graphic photos of Tom and Rollie's bodies.
David Borden at StopTheDrugWar.org - Open Letter on My Recent Act of Civil Disobedience - a letter Mr. Borden wrote to the local judge explaining why he would not be reporting for jury duty.
Drug policies have significantly driven a deep corrosion of the ethics and principles underlying our system of justice: Police officers routinely violate constitutional rights to make drug busts, often committing perjury to secure convictions; or resort to trickery and manipulation to cause individuals to give up their rights, enabled by an intricate web of legalistic court rulings stretching the letter of the law while betraying its spirit. Manipulation of evidence and process is standard procedure. Many prosecutors, though thankfully not all, treat their position as a stepping stone to elected office, subjugating their oaths to seek justice to a political calculus based instead on individual career advancement. Corruption and misconduct among enforcers and within agencies is widespread. And all these problems, while not officially sanctioned, are in practice largely tolerated: criminal prosecution for police abuse is the exception, and disbarment for prosecutorial misconduct is almost unheard of. Meanwhile, false or unfair convictions occur with unacknowledged frequency, with persons thus victimized often spending years in prison while seeking exoneration.
Drug War Chronicle - Supreme Court Justice Says Prison Terms "Too Long," Calls for End to Mandatory Minimums - Bravo! It's time to get rid of all mandatory minimums. Judicial sentencing discretion is important.
Drug War Chronicle - Feds Seize Hemp Promotional Vehicle at US-Canada Border - they're charging him with importing drugs for bringing toasted and salted hemp seeds, hemp paper, and hemp twine into the U.S.
Enemies Foreign and Domestic is now shipping. Looking forward to receiving my copy.