Turkey Day 2001
damaged justice, formerly Music for Misanthropes, is back! Yay!
Brad Spangler at anti-state.com - The Aces Up Our Sleeves II - we don't need a violent revolution to replace the state with private schools, currency, justice; violence is bad for business. The profit motive will do the job quite nicely. Whenever state-run "solutions" fail, the market will provide. [anti-state]
Joe Sharkey at The New York Times -
Women Fliers Complain About Treatment by Male Security Guards - in
these fascist days following 9/11, lots of people are being frisked at
airport "security" checks. Apparently, some women are being improperly
touched by male checkers. Personally, I think the proper behavior is
to request a female to do the checking and, if the male goes ahead,
kick him in the balls. Hard. Assuming you're willing to allow yourself
to be frisked at all.
Harry Browne at Antiwar.com - I Love America. Do you? - Mr. Browne loves the principles upon which America was built, the concepts that the Statue of Liberty stands for. But he's not fond of war mongers who would sacrifice these principles to satisfy their lust for revenge.
Stanley for Senate - Celebrate Bill of Rights Day - Rick Stanley is running for the U.S. Senate in Colorado. He intends to wear a loaded pistol in plain site at the Capital building in Denver on Bill of Rights Day, December 15. This will almost certainly get him arrested. Mr. Stanley, I salute you. [firearmnews]
The Denver Revised Municipal Code Chapter 38-117(b) is an unconstitutional abomination because it infringes the constitutionally protected right of all American citizens to keep and bear arms. It also violates the Colorado Constitution, Article II, Section 13, which guarantees every person's right to keep and bear arms in defense of person, home, and property.From the Why is Rick Running? page:
Join us as we exercise our right peaceably to assemble, and to petition our government for the redress of grievances. We will protest this ongoing travesty they call "law," and "justice" -- while they flagrantly disregard the mandates of the federal Constitution and our own Colorado Constitution.
Protect your rights by joining us on the 210th birthday of the Bill of Rights.* Bring the wife, bring the kids, and bring your guns so you can lawfully protect your family from criminals, terrorists, and government agents who want you to surrender all of the personal rights guaranteed to you by the Constitution.
Rick is concerned about our rights as American citizens. For years he had noticed that America was becoming a police state. Finally, in April of 2001, the Supreme Court handed down its infamous Atwater decision, in which the justices held that it's OK to arrest someone, and handcuff them, and hold them in jail for a while, even if the "offense" they've allegedly committed is so minor that they can't be jailed for it. For Rick, that was the last straw.
Second Amendment Sisters Letter of the Week - A Gun That Was Never Fired Saved My Life - Madeline in CA would likely have been badly hurt or killed by her first husband had she not had a pistol under her pillow when he broke into the house in the middle of the night. Instead, she told him she had her pistol, and he left.
Julia Scheeres at Wired - No Thumbprint, No Rental Car - Dollar Rent-a-Car is collecting thumbprints at a number of airports. Guess I won't be renting from them any time soon. [grabbe]