George "Caesar" Bush

Don Martin at The Vancouver Sun - Enough of studies, it's time to end the war on cannabis - Amen. Completely deregulate it. Sell it in bulk in the supermarket. Stop wasting my stolen tax money on attacking people for possessing vegetables. [unknown]
JPFO - Let JPFO know how you plan to party on BOR day - December 15 is Bill of Rights day. Party! [jpfo]
Al Martin Raw - The Reign of George "Caesar" Bush: More Fraud, More War and More Power to the State - Fighting a war where 1/3 of the weapons don't work. More about our stolen liberties.
There has been a vast loosening of standards that law enforcement now can detain a US citizen as a material witness. This is what's called "non volition material witness" status. Normally the only way that a law enforcement agency (whether it's county, state or federal) can hold someone as a material witness is, if A/ that person makes statements indicating that he has seen a crime perpetrated by a third party or has knowledge of a crime perpetrated by a third party, or B/ if the state proves (and they actually have to prove it in court through a court hearing by actually convincing a judge) that a potential material witness does have information that would place that person in jeopardy.
That way the State has the right to hold a citizen against his will. But now there is no judicial review necessary. The State no longer has to prove that a person knows anything, or has seen a crime being committed, or even knows that a crime has been committed. The police only have to suspect. They don't have to present any proof for judicial review.
If you combine this with the fact that habeas corpus has been scrapped, this means that if a citizen is walking down the street minding his own business, he could be handcuffed and detained at any time by any law enforcement agent (county, state or federal) because all the jurisdictional boundaries have been dropped under the guise of State Security. You could be detained indefinitely - only by the allegation of a law enforcement official that said citizen has either witnessed the commission of a crime or has knowledge of a crime by a third party.
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