King George in Saratoga
New York Tyranny Response Team - Gun Owners Day at Saratoga Race Track - George Pataki is doing fund-raising at the track today. I'll be there with my "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" sign, in sha' allah. If you read this in time, show up before noon and gather at the picnic tables behind the grandstand. Wear your Pro-2nd amendment hat and bring a rolled up sign (no sticks). Or just come. People standing together with a shared purpose make a powerful statement.
James Buchal at eco-logic The Revolution Starts Here - A speech Mr. Buchal gave on August 4 at the Klamath Falls Headgates. Mr. Buchal is the author of The Great Salmon Hoax, purchase information for and an on-line version of which may be found at his website: [sierra]
These people just aren't realistic. Even back in the last half of the seventeenth century, a bunch of farmers couldn't defeat the Redcoats; General Washington had to retreat from New York in ignominious defeat, and tell the Continental Congress he needed a professional army. Now the deadly force of the federal government is truly overwhelming. They have sharpshooters who can hit a half inch target from the top of that hill over there, and have no compunction about shooting down unarmed Americans-Ruby Ridge proved that.
In the face of such overwhelming firepower, the strategy is simple: to use the power of the ballot box where you can, and to resort to civil disobedience where you can't. You need an army, but the army does not fight with guns. Its gun is the truth, and its bullets are the letters to the editor, signs, posters, sound-bites on TV, and above all, masses of citizens organizing to show up and take control over every local office that they can.
But tonight I want to talk about something more important, the next step. I want to finish up tonight with some remarks about organization. The reason the Leftists keep winning, over and over again, is not because they are right, or even because a majority of Americans believe the crazy things they believe, but because they are better organized. They reward their friends, and they punish their enemies. I like to say that the Demoncrats run their party like the Mafia, and the Republican'ts run their party like a bunch of old men on the country club steering committee. Guess which side wins.
Tim Swanson at -
Come and Take It -
Why "for the children" is a really bad excuse for anything. And how
does confiscating guns serve the children, anyway? If guns are
outlawed, they'll have to pull his from Mr. Swanson's cold dead
hands. [lew]
Bjorn Lomborg at Guardian Unlimited Special Report on Global Warming - a series of articles debunking many of the current environmental myths. Air quality is better, reports of the earth's imminent death are greatly exagerated, extinction is not nearly the problem that some would have us believe, the oil supply is huge, cutting carbon dioxide emisions won't help. I didn't read these, but given that Sean Hackbarth is recommending them, they're probably good. [mind]
Linda A. Prussen-Razzan at Sierra Times - Lie Back And Enjoy It? - one woman who won't be doing this any time soon. Anybody who messes with her will end up with some fresh ventilation. [sierra]
Michael E. Cook at Sierra Times - What Gun Should You Carry? - Sherriff Cook gives some good practical advice. [sierra]
... Many times I was asked one question that I have given a lot of thought to. That question is: what is the best handgun and caliber for self defense? My answer was very simple, the one you have with you at the time you need it.
I have learned over the years that shot placement and ability coupled with confidence is far more important than weapon choice and caliber. Don't get me wrong those things make a difference but they are not the only important thing.