Ethanol = Negative Energy
The earth braces itself for the feet
Of a lover of God about to
The sky becomes very timid
When a great saint stars waving his arms
In joy,
For the sky knows its prized fixtures.
The sun, moon and planets
Could all wind up
Rolling so wild on the floor!
My dear, this world, its laws,
Our perceptions,
Are such a minute part of existence.
Should not all of our suffering and sadness
Be like this:
As just dropped from an infant's palm
That is asleep against the breast
Of God?
The earth braces itself for the feet of Hafiz.
The sky pulls a mirror from its pocket
And is practicing looking
For the Beloved has at last
Opened His arms
And is inviting my heart to eternally
The day candle (sun) has forgotten the hour;
The whole world has gone joyously mad.
The Sun's sweet cheeks are blushing
In the middle of the night
Desiring the rampage of the feet
Of God's lovers.
From kaba:
Americans who value freedom had better be more concerned about the gun control crowd than the criminals. The criminals want your money. The Neo-Totalitarians want your freedom. -- Charlie Reese
Todd Anderson at Tennessee Voice - How much is Enough? Pro-Tax equals Pro-Government - Mr. Zero makes it clear that the tax-and-spend statists had better beware. Their gravy train will end with a crash when we tax slaves throw all the tea in the harbor. [zero]
Farhad Manjoo at Wired - Ethanol Guzzles Gas, Study Says - Hehe. Manufacturing ethanol uses more energy than it delivers as a fuel. Of course the real argument here should be whether it's an economically sound method of storing energy. I think we should move to using hydrogen as a fuel for our autos. But it won't happen until it's cheaper to produce than gasoline. [market]
snackrelatedmishap - Prevention Works! Club Drugs: Ecstacy - a tongue-in-cheek echo of drug warrior lies. Contains four-letter words and an anti-authoritarian attitude. [anodyne]
Dave Winer's DaveNet - Excerpt from Breaking Windows - An introduction to and longish excerpt from Dave Bank's new book Breaking Windows.
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