Holey CommU.N.ists Batman

While standing at the urinal, I asked one of the accountants who works in our office building about the tax "rebate". The LP was right yesterday: the supposed rebate is really just an advance on this tax year's refund. Bastards!
Kevin Tuma - Eco Madness - Cartoon commentary on the four firefighters who died because of watermelon environmental policies.
Jay D. Grimes at KeepAndBearArms.com - Death By Bureaucracy - An essay on the four dead firefighters linking the Endangered Species Act to the commU.N.ists and warning against the smart gun technology they're also pushing. [kaba]
Laura Haire at LewRockwell.com - My Gun 'Permit' - One woman's story of applying for the "right" to carry concealed in Tennessee. [lew]
So, I entered the DMV, in another County, armed with (not a gun, that is a felony) $115.00 to apply for my "right." I only had to wait fifteen minutes before I was called to give them my money, my mug shot taken and get finger printed. If it was not for the fact that now the government knows everything about me &mdash like my actual weight, and original hair color (ha), and the fact that my "right" cost me a total of $165.00 and my fingerprints — the whole process may have been enjoyable.
The Guardian - The cover-up - an excerpt from James Bamford's Body of Secrets claiming that Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty near the town of El Arish on Thursday, June 8, 1967. Their alleged motive: to cover up the slaughter of unarmed Arab prisoners. The U.S. government allegedly knew all about it, but chose to protect Israel. [lew]
A mistake or mass murder? It was a question Congress never bothered to address in public hearings at the time. Among those who have long called for an in-depth congressional investigation is Admiral Thomas Moorer, who went on to become chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. "Congress to this day," he said, "has failed to hold formal hearings for the record on the Liberty affair. This is unprecedented and a national disgrace." Perhaps it is not too late.
Ann Harrison at Security Focus - HAL attendees urged to resist global DMCA - Attendees of the Hackers At Large (HAL) 2001 conference in the Netherlands are attempting to prevent the creation of a DMCA in Europe. They are also cancelling travel plans to the U.S. so that they don't get jailed like Sklyarov. How long before the U.S. makes it official and demolishes the Statue of Liberty? [Mrs. K]
HAL attendee Tom Vogt, who was sued by the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD-CCA) under trade secret laws for posting a DeCSS mirror site in 1999, said he is already feeling fallout from the Sklyarov case. "I have an offer from a large company in the U.S to attend a workshop as a speaker and I am very seriously considering not going because of this DMCA...," said Vogt who is a security professional at German ISP Hansenet in Hamburg. "I consider even visiting the States an unmanageable personal risk, a lot of people I talk to think very similarly and consider the States a dangerous place to visit."
John Morgan Duty II at KeepAndBearArms.com - There Is No Gun Control - a good piece on incrementalism in government. Uses the incrementalism in social security and seatbelts to remind us that what is called "gun control" is really incremental prohibition. [kaba]
I am forty-seven years old. Stated clearly on the bottom of my social insecurity card are written the words, "FOR SOCIAL SECURITY AND TAX PURPOSES-NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION." Written upon the bottom of my eighteen year old daughter's social security card is nothing. However on the back there are multiple warnings, one of which states, "Improper use of this card and/or number by the number holder or any other person is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both." Evidently, over the course of a few short years, the government has incrementally changed the purpose of the card and as we all know, you are required to tender this number for practically everything you do. It is considered to be valid identification for all government purposes, alone or in tandem with various other identifiers, such as a passport or driver's license. Logic would tell us that according to my card, everyone within the government that requires you to tender this card for identification purposes should be fined or in jail or both. They are not.
Let's now leap forward to a more current case of incrementalism. Think back just a few years. Back to the time when the government mandated that you wear a safety belt, for your safety and of course, "To Save The Children." They assured us that even though you would be forced to absorb the cost of placing these safety measurers in your car, there would never be a fine for not actually having it in use. Then they said you would only be fined if some incident, such as a wreck, occurred and you were found not wearing your safety belt. Even more recently, they said that it would be a primary fine and if any officer of the law so much as saw that you weren't in compliance, you could be stopped and ticketed. More recently yet, we had a nation-wide program called "Click it or Ticket" whereby the police threw up roadblocks this past Memorial Day to make absolutely sure you had on your safety belt. Those who objected to this intrusion were taken to jail and one woman was beaten, bruised, jailed, and fined.
Marshall Brain at Howstuffworks - What If... I Shot My TV? - a Real video of shooting a 19" computer monitor with a rifle. No ex- or im-plosion. It just put a large hole in the glass. Still worth a look if you've already got Real Player. [thinkhole]