On Thursday night, I applied for membership in the Nassau Sportsman Club. I need to introduce myself at the general meeting next Thursday, then my membership will be voted on at the next general meeting on the second Thursday of September. Until then, I may use the facilities, but can't let myself in to the club house. I went to the outdoor shooting range on Friday morning and shot the first 30 rounds from my new Ruger K10/22RP .22 caliber auto-loading rifle. I shot three groups of 10 (the magazine size) at a target 25 yards away, the first 10 leaning on the table, and the other two standing. Didn't have much time. Gun works. Auto-loading works. I'm a happy camper.
In some parts of Africa, shade is a rare commodity. The pilot of this medical supply plane had a surprise when he returned one day. Hahahahahahaha! [Brad] - Police Seek Fugitive Family After Reported Kidnapping - the police and "Services to Children and Families" kidnapped Brian and Ruth Christine's three daughters and jailed Brian. That was back on July 31, 2000. The couple recently took their daughters back, at gunpoint. They are now being called kidnappers, for rescuing their own daughters from the dirty stinking nazis. [kaba] - Affidavits of Acts Committed on July 31, 2000 - Brian and Christine's stories in their own words. [kaba]
Paul Craig Roberts at - Constitution is drug war's casualty - Nice to see this message here. The drug war is dying. Let's cremate it quickly. [zero]
The conservatives' war on drugs is an example of good intentions that have had unfortunate consequences. As often happens with noble causes, the end justifies the means, and the means of the drug war are inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution and our civil liberties.
Think about it. In the name of what other cause would conservatives support unconstitutional property confiscations, unconstitutional searches and Orwellian Big Brother invasions of privacy?
The "war on drugs" is, in truth, a war on the Constitution, civil liberties, privacy, property, freedom and common sense. It must be stopped.
Joe Eldred at KeepAndBearArms.Com - What Freedom and Liberty Mean To Me: The UN, the ADL, and Tyranny - one man's experience of the TRT rally near the building on July 14. [kaba]
Freedom is not negotiable!
Merrill Gibson at KeepAndBearArms.Com - Dianne Feinsteins' Latest Incredible Lie - The socialist senator from the People's Repugnance of Kalifornia has rewritten U.S. v. Miller in a letter to Colin Powell. Shame, shame, shame. [kaba]