The First Time

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 16 Aug 2001 12:00:00 GMT
From Quotes of the Day:
I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. -- Sir Winston Churchill

I fired my shotgun last night. Did two rounds of traps, 25 shots apiece. Hit 5 birds the first round, none the second. Never fired a shotgun before. Used the right barrel only, that trigger being in front. Right arm was sore afterwards, more from holding up the gun's weight than from recoil shock. Lots of oohs and ahs from the crowd (over the gun, not my shooting). Smitty even lent me his L.C. Smith book. Looks like I've got a No. 2 grade made in 1919. I've got an English stock when the book says that only pistol grips were available. Still, my barrel has an unmistakable "Crown Steel" stamp, and everything else matches quite well the pictures in the book. This is not one of the premier models, though it may be worth something just because it's old and in good condition. The No. 2 gun was advertised as a "knockout" grade, "just the kind for rough usage". A practical birding gun.

L. Neil Smith and Aaron Zelman at JPFO - A Blueprint for Ending Gun Control - A tour-de-force. I included the excerpts below for my own edification. Click on the link and read the whole thing. Archive saved here.

Our challenge to other pro-gun groups is this: abandon a strategy doomed to defeat; acknowledge that not one of the 25,000 gun laws in America is legal under the Second Amendment; embrace the goal that should have been adopted in the first place: work toward ending victim disarmament completely and forever.


It's important to know your enemy, and even more important to know yourself, your limitations and strengths. Bound only by the laws of physics, people can do almost anything they want. They can fly like a bird, break the sound barrier, even go to the Moon. But people didn't get to the Moon by holding their arms over their heads and fending it off. Certain objectives simply can't be achieved defensively. Second Amendment advocates have always made this error, and it will finish them off unless they change.


Complaining is not the same as acting. It's not even an acceptable substitute -- although it's easier and less risky than actually trying to do something. If you paralyze yourself with depressing forecasts of doom, then of course you'll lose. And you'll deserve to. If you're serious about putting an end to victim disarmament, understand that it's only one symptom of a cancer called socialism that afflicts our civilization -- and you can't fight cancer by complaining about it or limiting your treatment to its symptoms.

Shuck your victim identity today.

Understand, too, that there's no such thing as a "liberal". It's a word socialists use to evade being properly identified. And no wonder: socialism is nothing more than a cheap attempt, philosophically and politically, to justify rape, robbery, and murder on a scale Attila the Hun never dreamed of.


Sovereign nations are like watertight compartments in a ship. When one becomes "flooded" by dictatorship, victim disarmament, and the mass killings that inevitably follow, others remain free, provided their geographical and psychological "bulkheads" remain sound. They act as a refuge for those who escape the "flooded" compartments. Socialists know this, of course. That's why they strive to establish a world government nobody can escape from.


This is not the polite democratic debate socialists would have us believe it is. We're the goodguys, legitimate heirs of the Founding Fathers. If we win, for the most part nothing will change. You'll keep your guns. All government records of them will be destroyed. It'll be easier to buy more if you want, in the kind of anonymity the Founders regarded as essential (freedom isn't secure if government knows who has all the guns) for the Second Amendment to work.

If the socialists win, thousands of innocents will be assaulted, imprisoned, and killed -- along with thousands of their would-be oppressors -- as government attempts to enforce unconstitutional laws. Thousands more will die because they no longer have the means to defend themselves against ordinary criminals.


It's impossible to change a nation's politics before you change its culture. Do that, and the politics will follow. America will enforce the Bill of Rights when it has a Bill of rights culture.

The best way to start is to celebrate December 15th in your family and community as Bill of Rights Day, making it fully equivalent with Independence Day. Take charge of the celebration yourself. Keep it out of the hands of politicians and the media. Next time some socialist complains that "only America allows people to own guns", tell him that's because only America has a Bill of Rights to keep us from being slaves. The Bill of Rights is what makes America different from other countries, it's the one thing that keeps America from becoming the world's largest banana republic.

Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - Free-market predators vs. well-meaning reformers - good examples of why the free market works better than government regulations.

If the health-care industry had gone through what the computer industry has experienced, today you might have health-care-at-home, prescriptions that cost a dollar or two, and surgery for only $100 -- making health insurance unnecessary except for catastrophic events.

Does that seem far-fetched? It shouldn't. That's what health care was like before the federal government started to intervene in the 1960s.

American Deringer is still in business, still making the Legendary Model 1 and many other models, including the LM4 Simmerling, the world's smallest .45 ACP, a vest-pocket 5-shot. They're not cheap, $400-$500 for the single-shots, $2,660 for the Simmerling LM-4.

Grant Gross at NewsForge - Princeton professor: Fight against recording industry just beginning - Edward Felton is finally presenting his research on breaking the SDMI watermarking scheme. He delayed the presentation due to threats of a DCMA lawsuit from the RIAA. He is working with the EFF to get the anti-circumvention provisions of the DCMA declared unconstitutional. I wish them good luck. [newsforge]

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