Poul Anderson, RIP
I am a man
Who knows the ten thousand positions of
Divine love.
I can tell by the light in your eyes
That you are still most familiar
With the few earthly ones,
But would not a good father
Instruct all his heirs
Toward that path that will someday
Deeply satisfy?
This world is a treacherous place
And will surely slay and drown the lazy.
The only life raft here is love
And the Name.
Say it brother,
O, say the divine Name, dear sister,
Silently as you walk.
Don't die again
With that holy ruby mine inside
Still unclaimed
When you could be swinging
A golden pick with
jamie at Slashdot - SF Great Poul Anderson, 1926-2001 - Poul Anderson died on Tuesday night from the effects of prostate cancer. I don't think I've read any of his books, but I sure remember seeing his name over the years.
jordan15.jpg - Yum, yum. [grabbe]
And another image that may deprive your brain of blood: [grabbe]

From Quotes of the Day:
The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever. -- Herb CaenThis reminds me of an Ogden Nash poem that I memorized as a fawn:
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven lives.
Seven lives in seven sacks,
Like seven beaves on seven racks.
These seven lives he offered to sell,
But which was best he couldn't tell.
He swore that with any I'd be happy forever.
I bought all seven and thought I was clever.
But his parting words I can't forget,
"Forever isn't over yet."
cyclopatra at Kuro5hin - The Insidiousness of the RIAA - Ever notice that CDs are virtually impossible to open these days? I have. cyclopatra describes the problem well. I'll have to try PsychoSpunk's recommendation next time I buy one: [kuro5hin]
Ummm, I thought we were supposed to be all smart and stuff.
The best solution and probably one that you've subconsciously witnessed is to crack open the jewel case at the opposite end. At this point you have the bottom portion in your non-cracking hand and the top portion in the other. These two pieces will be held together by the annoying strip of adhesive garbage that appears to give you so much difficulty.
Now, the matter is as simple as twisting a portion of the case off of the strip. As long as the strip isn't cheap, it'll stay intact and remain hanging fully from the other portion. Now remove the strip and reattach the two portions of the jewel case. No blunted fingernails, no frustration, just a happy consumer with a shiny new CD.
DRCNet - Oppose New Anti-Ecstasy Bill - A letter opposing S.1208, the Ecstasy Prevention Act, to send to GW and your congress critters.
Bruce Perens at ZDNet - Dimitry Sklyarov: Enemy or friend? - Sklyarov is still in jail for creating software that allows people to read e-books that they have paid for. Seems that it's now illegal to read your own property. If this isn't fair use, nothing is. Links to CMU Professor David Touretzky's Gallery of Adobe Remedies, the most interesting of which to me is Ghostscript, which has been "completely bypassing [Adobe PDF's] restriction schemes for quite some time without much fanfare." [newsforge]
It's time for an amendment of DMCA to restore the concept of fair use in copyright law that DMCA abrogates, so that the legitimate owners of a copy of digital media won't be treated like criminals any longer. And while we're at it, it's time to get Sklyarov back to Russia and his newborn child.
Linux PR - Dell PowerEdge 7150 with Red Hat Linux 7.1 for the Itanium Processor now available - 7U rack mount chasis. One to four 64-bit Itanium processors. Available in the third quarter of 2001. No prices anywhere I could find. [newsforge]
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