Michael Dertouzos, RIP
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt. -- Dean Martin
explo is a very neat visual effect, hundreds of swirling, color-morphing, triangles. Java applet. Worked for me in Opera and IE. [notsosoft]
Michael Dertouzos, the director since 1974 of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, left his body on Monday night. I didn't know Dr. Dertouzos personally, but I worked in the lab during the early part of his tenure there. He is the author of The Unfinished Revolution: Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do For Us. RIP, Michael.
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 12:02:18 -0400
To: all-lcs@hq.lcs.mit.edu
From: Victor Zue <zue@sls.lcs.mit.edu> (by way of Lissa Natkin)
Subject: News
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am writing to inform you, with great sadness and utter disbelief, that Prof. Michael Dertouzos passed away last night at the Massachusetts General Hospital due to complications stemming from his recent health problems.
This is a devastating loss for all of us, as Michael has been the intellectual and spiritual leader of our lab for nearly three decades.
I will pass along further information as it becomes available. (I am actually in Hong Kong, but will return to Boston ASAP.)
Victor Zue
timothy at Slashdot -
Sklyarov Indicted - it's official. For writing software, a young
programmer faces 25 years in jail and over $1 million in fines. His
company, Elcomsoft, was also indicted, though noone knows how they'll
bring a Russian company to trial. Stories at
Washington Post ,
EFF. Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life on
earth. [/.]
Walter Block at LewRockwell.com - Keep the Penny, Ditch the Fed - How come a penny doesn't buy anything any more? Inflation. And what's the primary cause of inflation? The federal reserve. [lew]
There used to be a TV series featuring the "T" men. Every week they would walk down a set of stairs, and attempt to bring to justice the counterfeiters who were responsible for inflating the currency. Had there been better (well, more accurate writers) they would have turned around, marched back up those steps, and arrested their bosses.
For before the advent of statist money, when people were free to choose the means to intermediate their financial affairs, they had typically resorted to gold (sometimes silver). There has been no inflation at all in terms of gold. Centuries ago one could purchase an expensive suit of clothes for an ounce or two of this metal, and the same applies today.
Thomas C Greene at The Register - Cypherpunk Bell gets ten years - A good characterization of the insane sentence given to Jim Bell for following somebody around. I especially liked the strike-through in the paragraph below.
Unfortunately, extravagant public spending on prisons needed to accommodate the war onNegroesdrugs has made it necessary for America's penal institutions to serve as its default mental health infrastructure, the distinction between 'justice' and 'punishment' having long ago evaporated from the popular imagination.
And so once again an obviously sick man is to be 'treated' with the finest warehousing money can buy.
Basil Childers at the Christian Science Monitor - A grandma with a pistol in her purse - When Kate moved to Oregon, she decided she needed self-protection. So she got a concealed carry permit, and she now carries a .38 revolver in her purse wherever she goes. Just good common sense.
James Taranto at Opinion Journal - Zero Tolerance for Duck Sauce - Back in March, Jason Anagnos, who was nine years old at the time, made a "Swanton Bomb" out of leftovers from his family's Chinese dinner. He is still serving the year probation that he received for showing this obviously toy "bomb" to his friend at school. [market]
But a prosecutor who brings charges against a demonstrably innocent defendant is as derelict in his duty as one who lets the guilty go free. New Jersey has effectively criminalized children's play, becoming "the single most oppressive state in terms of enforcing zero-tolerance policies," according to Steven Aden of the Rutherford Institute, a Virginia-based public-interest legal group that monitors school-discipline abuses nationwide.
Gillian Flaccus of AP via Seattle Post-Intelligencer - Users of medical marijuana in Oregon rally to doctor's defense - a doctor who has signed over 900 applications for medical marijuana is being investigated by the local nazis. Definitely time to shoot the bastards. [market]
AP via Nando Times - Gasoline additive leak threatens California drinking water - Now that the MBTE that the government forced oil companies to put into gasoline is being found in wells, the oil companies are being forced to pay clean up costs. When will they ever learn? [market]
Stephen Carville at anti-state.com - We'll Never Be Rid of the State - Mr. Carville thinks that disagreement on the abortion issue guarantees the continuance of the state. I'll say again that I agree with Mr. Carville's opinion on abortion. A fetus is part of its mother's body until it is born. She owns it, just as she owns the rest of her body. As such, abortion is as much anyone else's business as cutting her toenails. Mr. Carville has a good point about the continued existence of the state, too. Very few of us actually believe in the free market. There's always some little thing for which a state is necessary. Multiply by 5 billion and you get a very large state. Unlike Mr. Carville, I don't think this makes disappearing the state hopeless. It's just a difficult training exercise. When enough people realize that the state is unnecessary, it will crumble under its own weight. [anti-state]
So what is left? The State. The periodic counting of the fists. And the side with the most fists get to beat up and rob the other side. There is no other way.
Rick Gee at anti-state.com - A Political Metamorphosis - one man's four year journey from Republican to small "l" libertarian. [anti-state]
John Lettice at The Register - Unique ID is built into WinXP final build - Naughty Microsoft. Naughty. [register]
Bob Lewis at InfoWorld - Go Linux desktop now - Mr. Lewis recommends switching to Linux instead of upgrading to Windows XP. Good idea.
JOrbis "is a pure Java Ogg Vorbis decoder". The download includes JOrbisPlayer, a free pure Java Ogg Vorbis player. It worked for me, though I won't be using it to replace FreeAmp any time soon. [meat]