Kubby Still a Free Man. Yay!

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 29 May 2001 12:00:00 GMT
John McCabe at loony.org - Sunday, May 27, 2001 - Mr. McCabe drunk and smoked himself silly at a Devils game. He asks why this is legal, but smoking reefer is not. Good commentary. He hasn't figured out yet that completely deregulating all drugs is the best way to solve the problem. Drinking beer doesn't solve anything, however. [loony]
The $400 billion spent per year on interdiction, prosecution and incarceration of drugs and the people who love them is a bit high (pun intended) in my opinion... especially since an estimated 90% of the stuff still gets through anyway. It would seem that spending at least 10 times that amount is necessary to finally rid ourselves of the scourge of illegal drugs. While that may be a noble goal, think about all the really cool missle defense systems we could build for that kind of money.

And unlike the "War on Drugs", they might even work.

Doing Freedom! has their domain back. Changed my links back, too. If it disappears again, you can find the IP in a comment beneath the link if you view source.

Libertarian Party - Steve Kubby avoids any jail time, despite defying judge's sentence - Steve Kubby decided a while back to defy the orders of the court. So far, they haven't jailed him. God bless you, Mr. Kubby. [unknown]

Under Proposition 215, it is legal in California to use medical marijuana for legitimate medical purposes. Because Kubby -- who suffers from a rare form of adrenal cancer -- takes medical marijuana under doctor's orders, prison officials apparently feared that they would be required to furnish him with marijuana.

"It was a cosmic game of chicken and the jailers blinked," said Kubby. "[Prison officials] are afraid that I will get the legal right to smoke medical marijuana in jail -- and gain that right for thousands of cancer and AIDS patients. It would be their worst nightmare. Their fear is colossal."

d.e.a. at usdoj.gov - Drugs of Abuse - a pamphlet giving a narc's eye view of controlled substances. [grabbe]

I added a little to weblog.el today. I changed the shortcut syntax from "shortcut" to {@shortcut}. I'm tired of escaping double quotes. It was a simple matter to run over my files changing the syntax. Emacs rocks! I also created a weblog-mode. It gets automagically turned on for text files in my weblog directory. I can insert shortcut or source key syntax ("{@}" or "[{@}]"), with the cursor in the proper place for typing, with a single keystroke ("Ctrl-}" or "Ctrl-]"). Saving a weblog text file ("C-x C-s") automagically generates html. Another key ("C-x M-s") uploads the html. And I've got easier-to-undo versions of my old standards: Ctrl-Meta-a pastes a link, and Ctrl-Meta-u pastes a blockquote. Yow! Oh, and I finally put the little permanent link icon on the right-hand side of each day's title bar. I still need to generate RSS. Right now that little Orange "XML" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen doesn't go anywhere.

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