My thanks to Sean Hackbarth at The American Mind for his good wishes for Christopher. Christopher is still doing well today. Our only problem is convincing him to take it easy. He's running around like nothing happenned.
Michael "Lance" Newby is running the flag inverted in the sign of distress over at My Clutterred Desk. I see this all over the web, but I've never seen it at his web site. Mr. Newby, there are a lot more distressing things out there than the stealing of an election. Whether Tweedledee or Tweedledum ends up "winning" the election, America will still be in dire straights. Mr. Newby says, "My flag will fly on this web-site until justice is served in the 2000 presidential election. At this point, justice is a Bush Presidency." Justice is the end of the fascist war on freedom, er... some drugs. Justice is the end of police "seatbelt" check stops ("Papieren, bitte"). Justice is the end of taxation. Justice is the elimination of 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws. Justice is the end of the entire alphabet soup of federal agencies. Justice is Bill of Rights Enforcement, with extreme prejudice.
Susan Jones at CNS News - Libertarians Slam National Seatbelt Crackdown: Police departments are out all over the country looking for seatbelt law infractions. We got stopped about 5 miles from our home by 4 cops standing in the middle of the highway. Seatbelt laws have no right to be. End them. [market]
"The National Nannies are clearly out of control when they can deploy thousands of police officers, and inconvenience millions of holiday travelers, just because 3 percent of the public doesn't properly obey seatbelt laws," said Steve Dasbach, national director of the Libertarian Party.
Peter J. Mancus at CCOPS - More About Peace Officers and Gun Prohibition: Mr. Mancus tells a few more stories of his conversations with law enforcement about their willingness to confiscate guns from peaceful law-abiding citizens. He also relates that it was the career soldiers, not the conscriptees, who were responsible for the My Lai massacres in Viet Nam. [jpfo]
Bloomberg via USA Today - EBay probed over gun sales: eBay stopped allowing firearms listings a while back. Now we know why. [grabbe]
J. Neil Schulman at Sierra Times - It's Time for Republicans to Tell The Democrats "No!": J. Neil asks the Florida legislature to end the democratic vote stealing by declaring the slate of electors. He claims that this is within their right and power. [sierra]
Within seconds before Gore was publicly to concede Florida's electoral votes to Bush, based on Bush being about 5,000 votes ahead, suddenly and mysteriously votes for Gore appeared out of nowhere to reduce Bush's margin of victory to fewer than 200 votes, though Bush's tally rose again to about an 1,800 vote margin later that night ... after Gore's campaign declared the race was not over. Then a machine recount mysteriously managed to reduce the Bush margin of victory to about 300 votes -- which is statistically outside the parameters of an honest machine recount.
Arianna Huffington - The Will Of The People: Stop The Drug War: there's lots of talk these days about following the "will of the people." The people have spoken. It's time for the war on freedom, er... some drugs, to end. Ms. Huffington gives an overview of recent victories in the war on the war on freedom. [lew]
MSNBC - Sony develops human-like robot: not to be outdone by Honda, Sony just released its walking humanoid robot. It's only a foot and a half tall, and is likely to be sold as a toy, though no sales date nor price has yet been announced. [/.]
"JImageView allows viewing of GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIF, BMP (Win95 type), and any other type of images that the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) API supports." This application is tiny, but to use it you need to download JAI, which weighs in at over 3 megs. It successfully displayed a couple of GIFs and JPEGs for me. It is sorely missing a zoom operation. My high-res pictures don't fit on my 1024x768 pixel screen unless they are zoomed to 1/2 size. [meat]
Brent Simmons is impressed with the improvements to the Linux desktop since Red Hat 6. I'm looking forward to KDE 2 myself. As soon as LinuxPPC ships a new version, I'll try it out. [brent]