
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 May 2001 12:21:06 GMT
bob lonsberry - Time to Quit Drugs Is Before You Begin: Good commentary on the horrors that drugs inflict on most users. I think Mr. Lonsberry still believes drugs should be illegal, which I don't, in spades, but I agree with him that you are a fool to mess with them. If you want to get high, find a spiritual teacher. As Don Juan taught Carlos Casteneda, only the clueless need drugs.
And we must be honest. We must tell people, particularly young people, what they already know. That marijuana -- while illegal and to be avoided -- is nowhere near the risk to life and psyche that harder drugs are, or that alcohol is. To convince people of the truth, we must tell the truth.

And the truth is this.

Drug and alcohol addiction are the greatest threats to health and happiness that most people in this society will ever face. To take them up, or to risk being ensnared in them, is to make a pact for your soul with a devil.

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Conflict Between Collectivism and Liberty is Reflected in the Presidential Election: warns us of America's coming collapse if we don't turn away from socialism and once again embrace liberty.

...Ludwig VonMises, the great 20th century economist, predicted decades before the fall of the Soviet system that socialism was unworkable and would collapse upon itself. American policy-makers apparently have decided to ignore this warning as it relates to our own nation.

As with communism and socialism, the interventionist-welfare system increasingly endorsed by our politicians and popular media is unworkable. Even before the current election fiasco, signs of an impasse within our system have been evident. Inevitably, a system which decides almost everything through pure democracy will sharply alienate two groups: the producers, and the recipients of the goods distributed by the popularly elected Congress.

Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - The Great Transition: Extols the virtues of the time of transition of presidential power. It's time to fire the old corrupt administration and hire a new one, some of whom will actually have high ideals for a month. He especially likes the fact that Bush-Cheney are having to fund their own transition. "Let's institutionalize this while we can." [lew]

There's a new issue of The Libertarian Enterprise. Articles I liked:

  • How Al Gore Became My Hero! a beautiful faery tail. If only this could come true!
  • Of Myths and Monsters: another gem. Why have "patriot", "militia", and "anti-government" been turned into dirty words by the political classes?
    The point is, if you bring this kind of crap down on this country, you have far more to lose than your job. As a Viet Nam veteran who is more than twice as old as I was the last time I saw combat, believe me, the last thing I want is to go to war against my own government. But I am willing to die in defense of the freedoms that we are quite clearly guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, because quite frankly without them, life would suck. Are you Mr. or Ms. Politician, personally, willing to die to take them from me?

    I'm not just referring to Second Amendment issues here. I'm referring to being able to drive down the damn road without being randomly stopped in the name of protecting the public from drunk drivers, uninsured motorist, drug runners, ax murderers, or whatever this weeks excuse for trampling the Bill of Rights is. I'm referring to going to sleep at night without fear that some druggie gave the DEA the wrong address thereby subjecting my family to the danger of hot dog cops with automatic weapons assaulting us.

CNN - Transcript: Gore remarks on Florida vote certification: I saw this on the telly last night. Gawd, I hope I don't have to listen to his whining for much longer. [iowa]

I tried Thorn yesterday. The installation instructions are wrong. You need to download and unpack all three components, source, binary, and third-party libraries. Then you need to create a shortcut or batch file that includes the third-party libraries in the class path. I didn't try creating any UML diagrams, but it appears to run at least.

Andrew Brown at The Tech Report - Transmeta device pictorial; Boxes smaller than Apple's market share: pictures of small devices based on the Transmeta chip. [/.]

Astalavista is "building one of the largest and most up to date information underground database in the world". They have a Public Proxy Competitive Matrix that compares four anonymous surfing services. The clear winner is SafeWeb. [grabbe]

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