
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 May 2001 12:22:36 GMT
Out of the Mouths of a Thousand Birds

Listen -
Listen more carefully to what is around you
Right now.

In my world
There are the bells from the clanks
Of the morning milk drums,

And a wagon wheel outside my window
Just hit a bump

Which turned into an ecstatic chorus
Of the Beloved's Name.

There is the Prayer Call
Rising up like the sun
Out of the mouths of a thousand birds.

There is an astonishing vastness
Of movement and Life

Emanating sound and light
From my folded hands

And my even quieter simple being and heart.

My dear,
Is it true that your mind
Is sometimes like a battering

Running all through the city,
Shouting so madly inside and out

About the ten thousand things
That do not matter?

Hafiz, too,
For many years beat his head in youth

And thought himself at a great distance,
Far from an armistice
With God.

But that is why this scarred old pilgrim
Has now become such a sweet rare vintage
Who weeps and sings for you.

O listen -
Listen more carefully
To what is inside of you right now.

In my world
All that remains is the wondrous call to
Dance and prayer

Rising up like a thousand suns
Out of the mouth of a
Single bird.

Daniel Ladinsky - The subject tonight is Love

I listened to snippets of the socialist debate last night. In the same breath where algore said that he wanted every child to have affordable health care in the next four years and eventually he wants every person to have affordable health care, he said something that caused me to laugh out loud for 30 seconds. He must be trying to compete with Klinton for the largest whopper told to a national television audience. Oh my...

I want to shrink government. I want a smaller and smarter government.

It turned out to be pretty easy to retarget my servlets that have been working in Jetty so that they would work in Apache Tomcat. The only thing I had to change was to make sure that my dynamically loaded classes and resources got loaded using the class loader for other classes in the same set of JAR files. Tomcat apparently creates a custom class loader for the JAR files in a web application directory. So I can now view my servlets via IIS mapped to Tomcat. Yay!

Brian Fitzgerald has a nice rose picture about which he says:

Send this rose to someone.
Say something nice.
Thanks Brian.

Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - Beware of these fallacies in Gore-Bush debates: Harry Browne tells us of the eight falacies underlying everything that GW and algore say: the budget surplus (not!), social security, welfare reform, tax cuts, defense, supreme court justices, smaller government, and character.

Mike Shelton at the Orange County Register - Round 2: cartoon commentary on last night's debate. Hahahahahaha.

Kevin Tuma - The Great Prevaricator: algore. Ronald Reagan with one large difference. Hahaha.

Parascope - The Order of Skull and Bones: Including George Bush Senior's involvement in the drug trade, the JFK assassination, and rigging of the national vote count. [brianf]

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