Gun Show Closing Act of 2001

The U.N. is a place for sovereign nations to discuss their differences. Stay within that charter. Stop the world government crap. Gun confiscation causes death. Yours. Don't try it.
From The Federalist:
Of all the pols who rave and rant
There's none who rants like Traficant.
The congressman from Ohio
Is filled with bluster and with blow.
'Beam me up,' he likes to say
Of stupid things that come his way.
A Democrat, but just in name,
He won't play the liberal s game.
He takes his shots at either side.
His missiles scatter far and wide.
Because he votes so often wrong
He doesn't, say the Dems, belong.
And so he sits back all alone,
A Party of One on his throne.
And now, e'en though he's been forsook,
The feds are claiming he's a crook.
He's been indicted. Trial's next.
And Traficant is vexed, perplexed.
Vows he will fight. Says he will win.
Says come what may he won't give in.
And in the end, though he should lose
He's not the type to sing the blues.
If he must drink the bitter cup
He'll merely say, 'Just beam me up'.
--Lyn Nofziger
Alan Korwin at CCOPS -
Gun-Show Bill is Not What They Say - an analysis of
S.890, the "Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act
of 2001". Introduced by John McCain, cosponsored by Thomas Carper,
Michael DeWine, Joseph Lieberman, and Schmuck Schumer. Currently in
Senate Judiciary Committee. DeWine and Schumer are both part of
this committee. Read Mr. Korwin's article before you go on with my
comments, or you won't know what I'm talking about... [Mrs. K]
I read the bill last night. I agree with Mr. Korwin that this bill is
horrendous. I'm not a lawyer, and he is, so you may prefer his
interpretation over mine, but by my reading it doesn't register
everyone who ATTENDS a gun show, just every "special firearms event
vendor". I believe the word "vendor" when it appears alone in the bill
means "special firearms event vendor" as defined near the
beginning. Hence, people who sell books or ammo but not guns don't
have to register. I may be wrong about this, however. The legal
interpretation may be that "vendor" and "special firearms vendor" are
two separate things. Something Mr. Korwin forgot to mention is that the
show operators must pay $200 for the first 3 years, and $90 for each 3
years after that to get a license to operate a "special firearms
event". "A special firearms event licensee shall not transfer a
firearm at a special firearms event." I.e. if you are licensed to
operate a gun show, you may not sell a gun at any gun show.
They did leave some crumbs to pick up later. Future "loopholes". This
legislation only applies if there are 75 or more firearms
exhibited. It doesn't apply to sales or exchanges by an individual
from his personal collection at his private residence. It also doesn't
apply to exchanges between immediate family members. They even gave a
curtsy to the commerce clause in their definition of "special firearms
event". Slimeballs.
Oh, BTW, it does close the so-called "loophole". Any vendors who are
not federally licensed to perform Brady bill background checks must
have such a person perform the background check for them before they
transfer a firearm at a gun show.
William Cooper at Free Republic - Oklahoma City Bombing The Plot Thickens - This is from Mr. Cooper's email newsletter. He claims to know the identities of most of the John Does. They are largely government agents. Mr. Cooper worries too much for my taste about people's ethnic and religious backgrounds. Take with a grain of salt.
The Oklahoma City bombing was a joint operation involving intelligence operatives of the United States, Germany, and Israel. The purpose of the bombing was to strike terror into the "heartland" of America destroying the illusion that such things only happen in places like New York, Los Angeles, or foreign capitols. Those responsible believed the bombing could be blamed on Patriots, Militia, or religious fundamentalists to prepare American Citizens to more readily accept personal disarmament in preparation for world socialist totalitarian government.
David Horowitz at Frontpage Magazine - Ann Coulter at Cornell - Ms. Coulter spoke recently at her alma mater. The brainless PC crowd showed up in force. [lew]
In the 1930s, a popular parlor game was to ask whether fascism could come to America, a fascination reflected in the title of Sinclair Lewis' best-selling novel It Can't Happen Here. The populist demagogue Huey Long, who was himself a product of the Thirties zeitgeist, disagreed. Fascism could come to America he said, but it would come calling itself democracy. With the acquiescence of the Neville Chamberlains who administer American college campuses, this kind of fascism -- calling itself multiculturalism and "identity politics" -- is already here.
Deroy Murdock at the National Review - Real Flamers: Their rallying cry should be freedom, not biology - A well-reasoned piece on the fact that homosexuals pose no threat whatsoever to the continuance of the species or to American society. If they'd just couch their arguments in the language of freedom instead of bogus science, more people would let them be. Homosexuality used to repulse me. Then a bi-sexual black magician got a crush on me, and I quickly learned that men simply don't turn me on. My revulsion was mostly fear. Fear that I might turn out to be gay. I'm not. Some people are. No problem. [zero]
What is at issue here is individual freedom and the need for citizens broadly to accept their fellow Americans' attributes, tastes, and peacefully made choices. Of course, everyone also has the right to speak softly and carry a big stigma. People should remain free to preach whatever they wish about the potential drawbacks of behavior that others find beneficial, be it homosexuality, eating steaks, smoking marijuana, betting on blackjack, racing stock cars, or skydiving out of Cessnas. Ultimately, though, adults should be able to live as they wish, free from laws and unreasonable social pressures to the contrary, so long as they don't scare the horses.
The New York City IMC has a few articles about and some pictures from the Million Marijuana March.
The New York Chapter of the Second Amendment Sisters has some pictures of the Mothers Day rally at the Egg in Albany.
Previous Posts:
Freedom Fighter Net
Same Tired Old Drug War Rhetoric
420 Girls
July 9, 2001: National Firearm Purchase Day
Liberty, as Sen. Calhoun said, is easier to get than to keep
Kubby Still a Free Man. Yay!