Head Dickhead Steps Down

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 02 May 2001 12:00:00 GMT
I'm at the Raddison hotel in Newport Beach near John Wayne airport. I didn't know there was a John Wayne airport. Did you? My hotel room has a high speed internet connection, but it doesn't work. The guy at CAIS told me last night that the hotel's "switch is broken". So I'm jacking into the net via the company 800 number. That is likely expensive, so my submissions are likely to be short today and tomorrow. At least the hotel isn't charging for the phone call from this end.

Dave Winer is 46 today. Happy birthday, Dave! Thank you once again for creating "Manila" and making it available to us via editthispage.com.

Camille Paglia at Salon - Bush vs. China, and himself - Ms. Paglia comments on the biggest story in gw's reign so far. She was shocked that Cmdr. Scott Waddle won't be court-martialed for crashing his sub into a Japanese fishing boat. Some barbs thrown at queen hitlary. Some kind words for El Rushbo. Applauds Herr Rudy for calling to abolish the New York City Board of Education. Some commentary on the war on freedom, er... some drugs. A couple of short movie reviews.

While it's true (as Salon readers have tartly observed) that my biases as a humanities professor may be showing, I still maintain that basic command of language -- not at all the same thing as eloquence -- should be a minimal requirement for the presidency. When, in his mid-afternoon formal statement after China agreed to release the crew, Bush simply read a prepared text and took no press questions whatever, he undercut his loyal staff's vigorous claims that he had been deeply involved in every aspect of the negotiations. It certainly looked as if he couldn't trust himself to phrase things right at a delicate moment.

Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - Drugs, Downey, Strawberry, junkies and hypocrites - Robert Downey, Jr. and Daryl Strawberry have a drug problem. But it's their problem, not ours. Even while doing drugs they managed to show up for work and do a good job. Had their drug problem been a problem for their employers, they would have been fired by now. End the war on freedom, er... some drugs.

After all, what kind of role model is George W. Bush? He boozed it up, was arrested for drunk driving, apparently did drugs and became president of the United States. Now he puts people in prison for five or 50 years for doing what he did -- and he gets to call himself "compassionate."

Edward Walsh and David A. Vise at the Washington Post - Louis Freeh To Resign As Director Of the FBI - the head dickhead is stepping down. I'd rejoice, but gw's pick for the next head dickhead won't likely be any better. The only real solution to the problem is to fire all the dickheads, raze all the FBI buildings, and spread salt on the ground where they once stood. [grabbe]

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