Wrong Castles

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:50:11 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Kim du Toit - applauds Mississippi's imminent approval of the Castle Doctrine. True civilization eschews criminality, unlike the British, who have made self defense illegal, treating criminals like victims should their intended victims give them their due. [kimdutoit]

Break into my house: expect to be shot. Try to rob me in the street: expect to be shot. Threaten my or my family's lives: expect to be shot.

Live like a decent, law-abiding human being with respect for the lives and property of others: expect to be my friend.

Simple, really. Too bad the Handwringing Bedwetters Society can't see it that way.

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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:54:54 GMT

Live like a decent, law-abiding human being with respect for the lives and property of others: expect to be my friend.

Nicely written, except what does "law-abiding" have to do here. It sits there like a third thumb, superfluous and in the way.

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So ah..if Mississippi's leg

Submitted by Ali Massoud on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 19:28:10 GMT

So ah..if Mississippi's leg passes this and the gov signs it does Cory Maye then have an affirmative defense to appeal his death sentence for defending his home and family? I hope so.

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