
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:49:12 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Brad Edmonds at - on the difference between the Patriots of the American Revolution and gummint-apologist patriots today. [lew]

What we have, then, for the true meaning of the word "patriot" as used today, is "one who loves, supports, and defends one's government." Clarifying a bit, we have "one who loves, supports, and defends the right of one's own government to use violence against those who disagree with, resist, or oppose it." This is what I consider moral and historical blasphemy.

Why "historical blasphemy"? Because the people who give us the term, "patriot," the Patriots (capital P) of the American Revolution, were not loyal to their government. They violently overthrew their government. This is the definition of "treason," and in fact Patriots were rightly (technically) considered traitors by their American-born opponents, the Loyalists.

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