They Want Your Soul

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 14:10:15 GMT  <== Politics ==> via Google Video - 17 minute Flash movie about the Boot on Your Neck Party. And why the sheople can't see it. Gets a bit wierd at the end. [tle]

You are free to do as we tell you.

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power... the world will know peace." -- Jimi Hendrix

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Step away from the crackpipe, IIB

Submitted by JDW on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 22:18:23 GMT

I was with him all the way through the discussion of the nonexistent difference between the parties and the power of denial. Love that line - You are free to do what we tell you.

But then he abruptly went off on how DARPA's gonna wire us all to a computer and use us for batteries, or something. More than a little wierd.

In the Sixties, American astronauts laughed at Soyuz hardware. Now Soyuz rockets and capsules - the SAME rockets and capsules - are the best, cheapest and most reliable manned spacecraft in the world. In fact, they're damned near the only manned spacecraft in the world. And I'm supposed to lay awake nights worrying about the godlike technological prowess of the people who brought that about? Pretty sure I can find more productive uses for my time.

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